John 17:1-4. We can't live in a vacuum! So many people are in mental hospitals on meds because they are so aware spiritually. This awareness is awful to live with. Meds don't help. They just become a part of the problem. There is evil in this world. Sometimes we think we're not aware of it, but it's always with us. It's a heavy burden to carry alone. Jesus said His burden was light. Be yoked with Him. We have two choices. His presence in our lives or the presence that is in ourselves and the world. There is no third choice! Live with who you are without Him and get so sick of living, or live with His presence in you and know freedom. P.T.S.D. = Presence that points the way to destruction. It destroys lives. Satan comes to kill, maim, and destroy. Jesus comes to give new life, to take away the old. It's terrible to look at, but look at it. We must. We all suffer from it in one degree or another. It can't be covered up. It can't be sedated. It must be faced. It's in us and around us. It is strong in its presence. It turns us against that which is created by God and for Him. We must stand in God's presence and the power of the Holy Spirit to keep us and protect us. We don't live in a vacuum. One or the other will influence us.
God is so good. He is hope, love and blessing. He will not take away our ability to choose. The awareness of the evil in and around us is part of the path from darkness into the light. He hasn't left us. He promised that even when all we see is darkness. He says He is the light at the end of the tunnel. Even if it's just a glimmer of light, believe me, it will get brighter and brighter.
He said that in this world we will have tribulation, but He has overcome the world. He has never lied to us. He can't lie. He is the truth. He will live in us and that presence will overcome the darkness. He is our hope. He wants to live in us as an overcomer. This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength.
Look at the eagle flying! Mount up! He is our strength. Keep your eyes on the heavens. Even on a cloudy day the sun is shining. Thank you, Lord! Always a work in progress. It is so like you, Lord, to encourage us and give us hope. You have a plan for each of us. Not to harm us, but to give us hope and a future!
In His love, a work in progress.
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