Saturday, September 20, 2014


     When I was a child, I didn't like vegetables.  Now I am a vegetarian!
      How can you reject pure sweet water if you've never tasted it?  If someone offered you a glass of pure, cool water when you were dying for lack of water, would you say you didn't believe in water?  It's right in front of you and you would die for lack of what would sustain your life.  Living water.  Life-giving  water in a dry and thirsty world.  How can you say it doesn't exist if you've never known it, you've never tasted it.  How can you say Jesus doesn't exist just because  you've never known Him, and build a whole belief system around your belief, or lack thereof.  That's pretty narrow-minded isn't it?
     If you choose unbelief, go that route, but don't take others with you,.  Please try this living water that is offered.  It's a free gift.  Try it and then if you still don't find it meets your need, then go down the road you choose, but don't try to build a whole belief system around your unbelief.,
     Satan is a liar and the father of lies.  You've given him a try--now try some fresh, cool living water--the Truth!  Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me."  Drink your fill.  In a dry and thirsty lade, He is the only one to satisfy.  He loves you.   I'm sorry you don't know that.  It breaks my heart.....and His!  1 Corinthians 2:9

In His love, a work in progress.


    Jesus came to give us peace.  He came to show us how to have peace.  His word tells us that it is a fruit of the Spirit.  It is something we must have on the inside.  It comes through intimacy and quietness inside.  Peace is a gift.  He not only gives us peace, He is the peace He gives!  The peace must come from within,.  It doesn't come through peace treaties or through what the world manufactures as peace.  Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you.,  My peace I leave with you.  Not as the world gives, give I unto you."
     There is only one peace that will last.  The peace that He gives, He emits from His Spirit to your spirit.  That must be from within through loving relationship with our Savior.  True intimacy.  He said to fear not, "I am with you always.  I will never leave you.  I have overcome the world.
     "My peace I give you."  Yes, there is a lasting treaty signed in blood.  Every drop spells the word LOVE.  GRACE.  A free gift.  It is an everlasting treaty between God and man.  Will you sign this treaty?  Yes, He is real.  He's really real!  My first words to Him when I first met Him.  He has proved Himself over and over.
     His precious heart speaks.  "How I have longed to gather you to me, and you would not."  His name is Jesus..  His gift, free gift, is Love and Peace, and so much more.

In His love, a work in progress.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


    Tell me the story of Jesus.  Tell of the cross where they nailed Him, writhing in anguish and pain.  Tell of the grave where they laid Him.  Tell how He liveth again.  Love in story so tender, clearer than ever I see! Glory!  Lord, may I always remember love paid the ransom for me.  Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word, sweetest that ever was heard.
     There is comfort only in one place as evil and tragedy unfold, when darkness seems so strong  At the bottom of the cross!  All who loved Him could not imagine what good could come out of this cruel, unmerciful death.
     But He arose to walk the earth again.  God brought about the greatest miracle the world has ever seen, and showed us that leaving this body is not the end, but the beginning.  Great light shines bright in darkness.  O Love of God, you walk the earth still in us.  Let that be our comfort.  Let us rejoice that we can know the intimacy of sharing in Your suffering as You share in ours.  Let us know the comfort of Hebrews 13:5 and Psalms 91:1, John 17.
     He giveth more Grace.  His love has no limit.  His grace has no measure.,  His power has no boundary known unto men; for out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again.  God bless us everyone!

In His love, a work in progress.


    Can I be happy and blessed all the time?  What would be your first thought if I said "Yes!"?  Let's put it another way:  Give praise in every circumstance.  If I truly know God, if I really think He has my best good under His control, could I give Him thanks in all things?
     If I looked at Eccleastes 11:5, and meditated on a child being formed in a mother's womb.  How everything that child needs is there from the moment a man and woman come together.  How that child grows in 9 months and is equipped for a lifetime.  If I really see Him as my Creator from the womb, if I believe that He is the giver of life and He has that gift of life in His hand every step of the way, then to give praise and thanks is possible.  Possible even to the point of death--even death on a cross.
    It is possible to be happy and blessed all the time!  Have I accomplished that yet?  My mind has to be trained.  I have to learn the path to obedience.  All things are possible with God.  Her created me.  He knows what I am capable of in Him.  I can do all things through Christ.  He is in me, both to will and work for His good pleasure.  He lives in me!  Christ lives in me!  Let your heart sing with His life in you.  Take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:3-6
    To be obedient is to discipline ourselves to take off the old and put on the new.  It takes training our mind, our heart, our emotions to come into line with God's word.
    The child in us has always been rebellious, but now we put away childish things and push on toward the goal.  Step by step, little by little.  We never stop growing and becoming.  Age 75 and still growing and becoming .  Saying NO to the rebellion in me, taking His hand and walking the way He planned for me.  Oh, how He loves you and me!  Amazing love.  Set your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith from the womb to the grave.

Blessed - a work in progress.  Deuteronomy 31:8


    Is that what we are?  Boots on the ground?  There is a chain of command in the heavenlies.  Holy Spirit gives us the command of the Father.  His will.  We receive that command from the Holy Spirit.  Pray that back to the Father and the Father acts on it.  Jesus said that Father will give us anything we ask for.  I ask, how in the world do I direct God's hand?  Sometimes with known words and unknown words.  The Spirit in our weakness intercedes for us with sighing too deep for words.  The Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.  Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Galatians 5:25, 2 Timothy 1:7, Revelations 2:7, Jude 20-25, Jude 1-2
    We work in accord with God's Spirit within us.  The Spirit is the Lord.  I am amazed to be a part of this inclusion into His realm.  Understand?  You've got to be kidding!  But I know that I know, that I know.  God will give what I need step by step.  Keep in step with Him.  What is impossible with man is possible with Him.  What a ride!  Lead on, Oh King Eternal!  I love You.  He needs boots on the ground.  Will you enlist?  Mark 9:23
     He is in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.  Philippians 4:13.

In His love, a work in progress.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


   You (Jesus) didn't miss out on a bit of life.  You experienced it all.  They called You a glutton and a wine bibber, thinking they had put you down.  I can never forget the smile on your face as you experienced life.  As you touched a leper, with a sweet smile on your face.  You had touched life.  As You wept, as You grieved, as You suffered rejection, as You were beaten, and as a woman loved you so much that she washed Your feet with her tears, and wiped them with her glory.  You experienced life.  As a woman took all she had and poured it over You to anoint You for your burial.  You saw the love, not the mess.  You experienced life.  A simple meal of bread an d fish or a banquet, it was all the same to You.
    You were experiencing life.  The lilies, the birds, the vine and branches, the fruit, the cold, the heat, the thirst, the blood, the curses, the spitting, the light, the darkness, the tears, the joys, the sickness, the poor, the rich.  Oh, how you loved life.  You were the One who gave it.
     When you looked at a hen with chicks and thought, "How I have longed to gather you to me and you would not."  If a chick does not go to the hen in time of danger, it becomes lunch.  He was experiencing life to the fullest and the fact that He had given us choice.  An abundant life lived to the fullest.  A gift to us.  An example to us of abundant life, 24/7.  I often wondered what abundant life was.  Now I know.  I smile at the discovery, but I know there will be tears and rejection because I have chosen with all my heart to follow Him 24/7, through this abundant life.
     Isaiah 60:1    Proverbs 18:10    Isaiah 66:11
    Abundant life:  Hebrews 11:1,  2 Peter 1:2

 In His Love, a work in progress