Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Luke 6:27-36:
     No wonder little ones to through the "terrible two's."  Have you ever thought that that's the time things take an awful turn?  This child has been waited on hand and foot for 2 years.  The child was not expected to do anything for itself.  Now, these "gods" we call parents become ruthless in training.
     Oh, there is still lots of loves and hugs and good stuff, but this training hurts!  If I say "no" or I rebel, that really hurts.  I get angry.  I may even say, "I hate you!" or kick my feet.  Where are the good old days when I could do what I wanted, and all was peace and love?  Now, I don't think about it.  I just react.  It's a hard time until I catch on to what is expected of me.
     But rebellion is still there and someday I'll be free.  Oh ya. little one?  Little you know!  Selfishness goes with us.  Oh, we may learn to act a certain way to be acceptable to those around us, but there is something in us that still will rebel when we think no one is watching.  Flesh gives birth to flesh, and Spirit gives birth to spirit.  I must be born again in order to be rid of old Mr. rebellion (selfishness).  Not born again!  It was tough enough the first time.  Just when I think I'm free, someone tells me I must be born again and put myself under a new master's care.  Now I've got everything I wanted.  I must give it away and follow him.  It seems I will be under someone.  I will follow someone.  Mr. rebellion will give me what I want, but what will I have?  More rebellion.  No strings.  No one telling me what to do.... I think!
     Where is this leading  I don't know.  At age 75, I'm learning that what I thought was maturity isn't even the beginning of maturity.  Rebellion isn't all its cracked up to be.  I hate it now.  I find out maturity isn't what I hate, It's what I love.  Love your enemies, do good to them.  Lend, not expecting to get it back.  Be kind to the ungrateful, be merciful.  Selfishness is immaturity.  I must be born again of the Spirit.  Maturity is fullness of Christ.  Christ in you.  His life in you.
     I want maturity now.  I want to be like the Father.,  Patient kind to the ungrateful, the wicked.  Merciful like my Father.  I've walked the wide path.  Now, I'm taking the narrow road that leads to home.  I have One who walks with me every step of the way.  One who was tempted in ALL things just like me.  I couldn't do it without Him.  I call Him Master now, and will follow gladly!
     Oh yes, there is still a war that goes on  inside me.  But greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.  I'll never walk alone.  Jesus is Lord!

     In love, a work in progress.  God bless all who walk with me.

P.S.  Even a panhandler Lord?  He could work but doesn't.  "Does it rain on you and him alike?  Does the sun shine on you and him alike?  Who made you judge?  Give and it will be given to you.  You can't lose!"

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