Sunday, July 27, 2014


   I came this morning needing the Lord's help -- personally and for this crazy world that He loves so much.  Help me to love this world the way you do.  The word that He seems to be giving this morning is to persevere in patience!
   1 Peter 2:5,9.  You, Lord, have made us a kingdom of priests to serve our God!  A chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that You may declare the praises of Him who call you out of darkness into His wonderful light.  We offer sacrifices acceptable to God, through Jesus.  Prayer, money, praise, doing good.  Like Jesus, whatever the Lord requires.  There is purpose to our lives.  Even in the worst circumstances, we must be sure that God has a purpose for us.
   We are in the last days and have been for over 2,000 years.  Time doesn't mean the same to God as it does to us.  75-80 years may seem long, but to Him it's a drop in the bucket!  We need to count time as He does.  Have you ever tried to fill a big bucket a drop at a time?  Then throw in patience in perseverance.  After 10 drops, I'd be saying, "this ain't going to happen!  Turn the spicket on full!"  Most of all, be patient  in perseverance with God!  Oh, how He loves us!
    Now, turn that around again.  Perseverance in patience, and you have a wonderful picture of God's dealings with each of us.
     Jeremiah 29:11    Isa. 43:1-2    Psalm 46:10   Joshua 1:9

   Turn to Him in times of trouble.  He will answer you!  Listen with your heart.  Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.  Be still and know He is God.  Thank you Lord.  Patient endurance.

In His love, a work in progress.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


"Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do..."

    What if you were offered Sharia law in heaven?  Would you kill, maim, and destroy to obtain it?  Your reward would be many virgins and other "benefits."  This is what is creeping across the world!  To have fingers, hands, noses, clitoris cut off if you rejected this religion!  Does this sound like any faith that would offer anything to a woman?  Women, where are you?  Men, where are you?
    Created in the image of God!  What is that image?  What is our heart's desire?  Does God love evil?  Israel is at war with evil!  They remember the holocaust.  An evil, that if given the chance, will wipe out any semblance of our God!  Love, joy, peace, freedom, righteousness, respect, intimacy with a loving God!  He will discipline, but with a purpose.  Like a skilled surgeon -- to heal and not destroy.  To give hope and a future, not to destroy.  Mercy, gentleness, goodness, kindness.
    He prayed for us.  John 17.  He prayed for Himself the night before they crucified Him.  He sweat what looked like great drops of blood.  Stress, pain, fear.  If there is any other way, let's find it.  But never the less,  Father, Your will be done!
    Would I have the strength?  God remains the strength of my heart.  Psalm 73:26.  Nothing can separate me from the love of God.  Romans 8:39.
     I asked Him, has there ever been such evil on the earth?  He showed me a picture of the cross and all it involved.  And it was to destroy the evil that is marching across the world!  The evil that beat Love, and crucified Love and spit on Love and rejected Love, thinking if it killed Him, it would kill that Love.  They didn't know they were trying to kill God. They didn't know they were releasing a power of love and forgiveness that has marched across the land for centuries and will continue to persevere until every last one who can be saved, is saved!  Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world.  Great is our God and greatly to be praised!  Psalm 73:26
    Nothing that comes against us can prosper.  Will we stand for something, or stand for nothing?  Fear is the enemy's greatest weapon.  It is not just a feeling, it is a spirit!  God does not come in a Spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind!  We shall overcome.  Revelation 3:19-22   Rev. 21  Luke 11:28
    Great is our God and greatly to b e praised.  Lord, Brother, Friend, Lover, Intimate Savior.  God with us.  Our life, our choice!  He said, "When you see all these things happening, it is only the beginning.!  The enemy is not after you.  It is after Him.  He, the enemy, knows his time is short.  He cannot win.  Jesus is Lord!  He will always stand for what is right.   Will we?

In His love, a work in progress.


   Could it be that what we see happening in the world today is what is happening in the spiritual realm?  Two great powers fighting each other.
    Do you know the old hymn:  "Lead on, O King eternal.  The day of march has come.  Henceforth in fields of conquest, Thy tents shall be our home.  Through days of preparation, Thy Grace has made us stroing, and now O King eternal, we lift our battle song."
    "For gladness breaks like morning wherever Thy face appears.  Thy cross is lifted oer us.  We journey in its light.  The crown awaits the conquest, lead on, O God of Might!  Holiness shall whisper the sweet omen of peace, for not with swords loud clashing, nor roll of stirring drums, with deeds of love and mercy, the heavenly King down comes!
    It's not only Israel that is at war.  She is the forerunner.  She puts up the good fight for us.  She knows the enemy.  The enemy of anyone who stand who stands for the one true God!  He is an unseen enemy fighting for his life.  He knows his time has come!  Romans 16;20.  2 Corinthians 11:14   Revelations 12:9.  His name is satan and he is as real as the nose on my face.
    Tell the righteous it will be well with them.  Isa. 3:10.  Thus sayeth the Lord!
     2 Thessalonians 3:16.  Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.  Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.  Isa. 5:20-21.
     "God bless this world that He loves!  Yes!  Enough to fight all the evil of hell for her.
     John 3:16   John 17
     Is your God as good as mine?  I hope my God is your God.  It's the greatest thing I could ever pray for!

    Thank you Lord!   1 John 3:1

   In His Love,  a work in progress.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


   We have divided the world into parcels.  This parcel belongs to me, and this one belongs to you.  We call them parcels and states and countries.  We make borders, and you can't cross them.  It is the laws we make.  Life may be horror on the other side, but "you" can't cross.  For God so loved...!
   There is a scripture in Genesis:  God created the "world" and everything in it.  If we trace our lineage back to Genesis, we are all related.  John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."
    Psalm 50:12   Matthew 5:14    Mark 16:15    John 1:29    John 16:33, 18:36, 17:24   Romans 3:19               1 Corinthians 3:19     2 Corinthians 5:19    1 John 2:2

   If you ask God a question, expect an answer!  It may not go along with your programming, and may leave you with more questions, but He will answer!  Change has to come with me first.  My thinking, my programming, must change.  How much of my programming is based on fear of what I may be challenged with if I change my thinking.  Jesus gives us a huge challenge.  Love knows no boundaries.  Love, acceptance, peace, security, food,  clothing:  We all need these things for ourselves and our children.  No boundaries--a unique thought.  Can we live with it?  God says yes, but it will take a change of heart and to see ourselves in every mother and child.  Better yet, to see God in every face and in the eyes of simple needs.
   Love, joy, peace, safety, and grace to all who follow Jesus.  Romans 8:5  Ephesians 4:23  Rev. 2:23

    Here's a thought for us:  Now what do we do with it?  Mark 9:23.  God wins!

   Lord Jesus, make a way where there seems to be no way.  When I am weak, then I am strong!  Just ask!
       Mark 9:23

In His Love,  a work in progress.


   Look at what is true and untrue:  #1 Untruth - I am not loved, not wanted, not needed, not accepted.  My feelings are very negative. #2 Truth - My truth:  I am loved, I am wanted, I am needed, I am accepted unconditionally.
   This is the truth!  This truth is what I will live with.  He has chased me till He found me.  He died to make me His.  The enemy is a liar, and the father of lies.  God is truth.  The first is what I have lived with all my life.  #2 is what I will live with the rest of my life.  Teach #2 to all who will listen!  Exhibit it!  Let it flow through your fingers like water.  Don't try to hold on to it.  Whatever you try to hold on to will turn out to be what hurts you if you lose it.  Can you hold on to the air?  Yet, you need it to live.  Love is like that.  It must be received open-handed.  Look for love.  It is all around.  God says, "As I am everywhere present, so is love, even in this world.  But let love have freedom.  Let it go.  It will never leave you or forsake you.  It's not here one minute, and gone the next.  Anything you possess for your own, and will not let go of will become your God and possess you!
   Read these often.  God  gave them to you.  Psalm 84:11.

   In His love, a work in progress.


   1 Peter 5:6-7; Philippians 4

   Can I change anything through being anxious?  Yes!  I can  change my health...not for the better!  Or, I can cast my anxiety on the one who can do something and have peace from God that brings healing from the Healer!
   There is only one thing I can change.  ME!  By letting God be God!  Other than that, there is nothing I can change.  I can pray, recognizing that He will act on my behalf.
   Father, where is the Catholic church in all this migration of children from Mexico and points beyond?  Where is the Pope?  Release some of your wealth to care for your own. Lord,  Reveal yourself to these children.  Please!  Give them hope and a future.  Draw them to You.  Churches, open your doors.  Thank You for those who have.  Translators, come forward to teach the English language.  Help them to become law abiding citizens without the president's help.  Let the people arise and take our lives back from being dependent on our government.  God, arise in your people.  We call out for an army of love and hope to come from You!  Forgive us, Father.  We've become so dependent on the government, we've forgotten You are the greatest power on earth.  In You,k there is no lack.  In You is love,m hope, and a future for all of us.  Draw us back to you as our provider.  In this is peace, strength, hope and compassion.
   All we need is in You.  Grace and peace to all from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  2 Peter1.
Thank you, Father!  I needed that!  A breath of fresh air!
     Deut. 31:8     Matthew 11:28

   Mr. President, Congress, you can do nothing!  Call on the Lord, who can!

In  His love, a work in progress.