Psalm 121:7-8, John 12:48-50
The church of Rome says you must do miracles to become a saint - cannonized. Who does miracles? Is it man or God? Jesus said, "I can do nothing on my own, but only what the Father tells me."
Who has God made a saint? Those who are poor in heart. Those who have seen their need and simply believed in the One the Father has sent. Are we who have received new life living miracles? WE died with Him and risen to new life. Did we do it on our own? The Father is still in the miracle business! The business of Grace! John 14:6.
In His Love, a work in progress
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Ephesians 1:2. God is Spirit. We are His children, created in His image. What if we recognize each other more by our spirit, our presence, than by what we look like? Does someone who is blind or deaf or both learn to recognize people through their presence, or the spirit?
I recognize my heavenly Father through Spirit, not by the spoken word. I hear His voice without a word spoken. I have ears to hear in my spirit. I have a heart to love in my spirit. Release me, Lord, to live from the spirit, and put no confidence in the flesh.
Does grace and peace have a body or face? It definitely has a presence or spirit. You can know it as it is displayed by God or man. Where does true praise come from? He has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ: Love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self control. Salvation. To know Him. Sons - children of God in Christ Jesus. Redemption. Forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God's Grace. He made known to us the mystery of His will.
Jesus said, "In this world, you will have trouble, but I have overcome the world." Has anyone escaped trouble in this world? Jesus never lied to us. Even He, while assuming flesh, did not escape trouble of the worst kind. He did not escape (although He could have!) temptation of every kind. He took all our sickness, disease, hunger, pain, rejection from those He loved.
But He overcame so we can overcome. He made it to the finish line. Look at all the men and women in the Bible. They are gone, but we still receive strength from them. Psalm 143:8. Cause us to know and to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do we trust. Cause us to know the way wherein we should walk, for we lift up our souls to Thee!
Grace. Chosen. His Will. Father, give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so we might know you better. Let the eyes of our hearts be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which you've called us: the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.
Jesus is Lord! Faith is believing in the unseen. It is knowing, deep in our hearts, that Jesus is Lord. We live my the Spirit. There, we are one. There, we recognize Him. When I first met Him, I recogn ized Him through spirit! Praise God!
In His Love, a work in progress
I recognize my heavenly Father through Spirit, not by the spoken word. I hear His voice without a word spoken. I have ears to hear in my spirit. I have a heart to love in my spirit. Release me, Lord, to live from the spirit, and put no confidence in the flesh.
Does grace and peace have a body or face? It definitely has a presence or spirit. You can know it as it is displayed by God or man. Where does true praise come from? He has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ: Love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self control. Salvation. To know Him. Sons - children of God in Christ Jesus. Redemption. Forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God's Grace. He made known to us the mystery of His will.
Jesus said, "In this world, you will have trouble, but I have overcome the world." Has anyone escaped trouble in this world? Jesus never lied to us. Even He, while assuming flesh, did not escape trouble of the worst kind. He did not escape (although He could have!) temptation of every kind. He took all our sickness, disease, hunger, pain, rejection from those He loved.
But He overcame so we can overcome. He made it to the finish line. Look at all the men and women in the Bible. They are gone, but we still receive strength from them. Psalm 143:8. Cause us to know and to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do we trust. Cause us to know the way wherein we should walk, for we lift up our souls to Thee!
Grace. Chosen. His Will. Father, give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so we might know you better. Let the eyes of our hearts be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which you've called us: the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.
Jesus is Lord! Faith is believing in the unseen. It is knowing, deep in our hearts, that Jesus is Lord. We live my the Spirit. There, we are one. There, we recognize Him. When I first met Him, I recogn ized Him through spirit! Praise God!
In His Love, a work in progress
Sunday, December 28, 2014
What is heaven like? What is father like? We already know. It's hidden in our hearts and plain in Jesus and the Word.
First, Father and Jesus are there. What could be better than that? When we pray, do we pray for war, hate, destruction, hunger? We pray Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
The fruit of the Spirit of heaven is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. It's written on our hearts. Forgiveness, no sin, no hatred, no greed. Every need and desire fulfilled. Abundant life. I am in Him and He is in me, never to be separated from His love. He brought heaven to earth to show is what heaven is like. It's very plain to see if you know Him.
Our loved ones who have gone on before are living the life we've only seen through the eyes of faith. He has a plan for us, not to harm us but give us a hope and future that goes on far beyond this life in the flesh.
In Jesus, we have a fortaste of glory. Prov. 10:22. Know the Father through Jesus, and you know what the future holds. He came from our future and went back to it. Gentle, mild, humble, forgiving. He is the gate. He cries, "Enter! I love you!"
In His Love, a work in progress
First, Father and Jesus are there. What could be better than that? When we pray, do we pray for war, hate, destruction, hunger? We pray Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
The fruit of the Spirit of heaven is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. It's written on our hearts. Forgiveness, no sin, no hatred, no greed. Every need and desire fulfilled. Abundant life. I am in Him and He is in me, never to be separated from His love. He brought heaven to earth to show is what heaven is like. It's very plain to see if you know Him.
Our loved ones who have gone on before are living the life we've only seen through the eyes of faith. He has a plan for us, not to harm us but give us a hope and future that goes on far beyond this life in the flesh.
In Jesus, we have a fortaste of glory. Prov. 10:22. Know the Father through Jesus, and you know what the future holds. He came from our future and went back to it. Gentle, mild, humble, forgiving. He is the gate. He cries, "Enter! I love you!"
In His Love, a work in progress
Saturday, December 27, 2014
How different Christmas is today than it was when I was a child. When I was a child it was a day of the year we all looked forward to. It brought love, color, laughter, joy, presents, santa. I hated to think of it being over. It was the highlight of the year.
I said this morning when I got up, why has it changed? Amazing! As it always does, the answer came. "Now you know Him who is Christmas. Now you know the real meaning of Christmas! Born in a cow stall. Nothing glitzy except the stars. Mother and Father there to feed and protect. Quiet. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. God our Father was there. God our Father is here in this moment. I wouldn't trade all the Christmases I've had without Him for one of these quiet, loving, gentle moments, now that I know Him! Every day, every moment is Christmas! A day, a moment to love Him, to worship who He is. Christmas. Psalm 16:11. Thou willt show me the path of life. In Thy presence is fullness of joy. At Thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. He has b less us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. John 17.
Jude 2. Mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you! May every day be Christmas!
In His Love, a work in progress.
I said this morning when I got up, why has it changed? Amazing! As it always does, the answer came. "Now you know Him who is Christmas. Now you know the real meaning of Christmas! Born in a cow stall. Nothing glitzy except the stars. Mother and Father there to feed and protect. Quiet. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. God our Father was there. God our Father is here in this moment. I wouldn't trade all the Christmases I've had without Him for one of these quiet, loving, gentle moments, now that I know Him! Every day, every moment is Christmas! A day, a moment to love Him, to worship who He is. Christmas. Psalm 16:11. Thou willt show me the path of life. In Thy presence is fullness of joy. At Thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. He has b less us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. John 17.
Jude 2. Mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you! May every day be Christmas!
In His Love, a work in progress.
Our Father. Holy is your name.
Prayer is like fine crystal or the perfect diamond. So beautiful in the light.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We won't need the sun or moon in Your kingdom. You will be all the light we need. When we pray for His Kingdom to come on earth as in heaven, it shows great trust in our Father. Even a knowledge of who He is. Who else would I ask this of? Can I think of any other leader I would ask this of? Has any other leader left his kingdom and died for me?
Somewhere inside of us is a knowledge of how our world and life is supposed to be. It's engraved in our hearts. We long for it. It can only come to us fully with Jesus. He is the revelation of who I am supposed to be. He is the perfect revelation of the God-Father who is engraved on our hearts. We are holy ground. Born again of God our Father. No longer a prophesy, but a fact. Flesh wants to see it, feel it, get excited over it. Faith needs none of those things although they may be a part of our life. Faith is knowing there is a mystery in this quiet place where I barely breath to capture its presence.
I've said it before, "O sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you. At last I know the secret of it all. Baby, born to this world. His favorite name for Himself: Son of man. Sweet mystery of life. His name is Jesus." A common name for a king, Messiah, Yeshua.
Hundreds of years, man looked for Him, and when He came, man didn't recognize Him. He came too common, too unintrusive, simple, quiet. Only the quiet, simple ones have even recognized Him. They tried to kill Him even as an infant. Quiet, simple. A king, indeed!
Only in our love, gentleness, quietness, simplicity, grace, love unearned, can we show the world who He is. Living for Him, giving our lives so He may live. So we may show a hurt and dying world our Father, which art in heaven. We are that holy ground.
He lives in us. Holy ground. He has chosen to live in us and through us. Holy ground. When I touch You, I touch Holy ground. He is alive! Isaiah 30:18.
Love - He lives, He lives, salvation to impart. You ask me how I know...He lives. He lives within my heart. He's in the world today. Holy ground
In His Love, a work in progress
Prayer is like fine crystal or the perfect diamond. So beautiful in the light.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We won't need the sun or moon in Your kingdom. You will be all the light we need. When we pray for His Kingdom to come on earth as in heaven, it shows great trust in our Father. Even a knowledge of who He is. Who else would I ask this of? Can I think of any other leader I would ask this of? Has any other leader left his kingdom and died for me?
Somewhere inside of us is a knowledge of how our world and life is supposed to be. It's engraved in our hearts. We long for it. It can only come to us fully with Jesus. He is the revelation of who I am supposed to be. He is the perfect revelation of the God-Father who is engraved on our hearts. We are holy ground. Born again of God our Father. No longer a prophesy, but a fact. Flesh wants to see it, feel it, get excited over it. Faith needs none of those things although they may be a part of our life. Faith is knowing there is a mystery in this quiet place where I barely breath to capture its presence.
I've said it before, "O sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you. At last I know the secret of it all. Baby, born to this world. His favorite name for Himself: Son of man. Sweet mystery of life. His name is Jesus." A common name for a king, Messiah, Yeshua.
Hundreds of years, man looked for Him, and when He came, man didn't recognize Him. He came too common, too unintrusive, simple, quiet. Only the quiet, simple ones have even recognized Him. They tried to kill Him even as an infant. Quiet, simple. A king, indeed!
Only in our love, gentleness, quietness, simplicity, grace, love unearned, can we show the world who He is. Living for Him, giving our lives so He may live. So we may show a hurt and dying world our Father, which art in heaven. We are that holy ground.
He lives in us. Holy ground. He has chosen to live in us and through us. Holy ground. When I touch You, I touch Holy ground. He is alive! Isaiah 30:18.
Love - He lives, He lives, salvation to impart. You ask me how I know...He lives. He lives within my heart. He's in the world today. Holy ground
In His Love, a work in progress
Isn't it funny how one word from a friend can stick in your mind and you meditate on it for days? Actually, the Lord says He will bring to our remembrance every word He has spoken., O sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you!
The word "expect": What does that mean? When you ask a question, expect an answer. We have eyes for the invisible! In Hebrews 11, we see a number of examples of people who saw with eyes for unseen things. It gave them hope and purpose. Can I be excited over what I know is coming, but have not see, and may never see with my natural eyes? Think of it., Today we see with our natural eyes what they saw by faith! The Jews are coming home to Israel, Jesus. We who are born again of the Spirit. So many things -- even wars and rumors of wars. They acted as though they were strangers on earth.
Closer to home example. A note my daughter wrote me years ago when she was pregnant: " Boy, how big can a belly get? I'm starting to get heavy and moving slower. It seems like the baby moves more than kicks. Can't get a running start!"
Fathers, you've shared in this experience. That's what it's like to expect--to know--to have faith. There is life in us. It is growing. It is getting fuller and bigger, and sometimes it is not all that comfortable.
God is enlarging us to carry that life. We expect and we rejoice in the fact that we have new life inside us. We can see and feel it with the eyes of faith. This life in us is ours, God;s gift to take care of, to love, nurture, give highest priority to.
Oh, the privilege, the honor, the joy of realizing there is new life growing in us. Feel your belly. Be pregnant -- expect that as a woman is pregnant and this life in her takes time to grow. There is new life in us. God's life. New creating life. The birth process is not an easy one for mother and child, but Oh, the reward when new life is born into the world.
That's what it means to expect. That's faith and faith has its own reward. Keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of your life. Boy, sometimes your back hurts and the stretch marks aren't pretty, but the reward makes it all worth it. God bless us all as we carry this precious new life within us. 1` Corithians 2:9.
God has never stopped creating new life. It's His joy. Keep that word hidden in your heart --EXPECT!
Paul was pregnant, expecting and look what He delivered! Mark 9:23.
What He promised, He will deliver. He is still Lord of all!
In His Love, a work in progress.
The word "expect": What does that mean? When you ask a question, expect an answer. We have eyes for the invisible! In Hebrews 11, we see a number of examples of people who saw with eyes for unseen things. It gave them hope and purpose. Can I be excited over what I know is coming, but have not see, and may never see with my natural eyes? Think of it., Today we see with our natural eyes what they saw by faith! The Jews are coming home to Israel, Jesus. We who are born again of the Spirit. So many things -- even wars and rumors of wars. They acted as though they were strangers on earth.
Closer to home example. A note my daughter wrote me years ago when she was pregnant: " Boy, how big can a belly get? I'm starting to get heavy and moving slower. It seems like the baby moves more than kicks. Can't get a running start!"
Fathers, you've shared in this experience. That's what it's like to expect--to know--to have faith. There is life in us. It is growing. It is getting fuller and bigger, and sometimes it is not all that comfortable.
God is enlarging us to carry that life. We expect and we rejoice in the fact that we have new life inside us. We can see and feel it with the eyes of faith. This life in us is ours, God;s gift to take care of, to love, nurture, give highest priority to.
Oh, the privilege, the honor, the joy of realizing there is new life growing in us. Feel your belly. Be pregnant -- expect that as a woman is pregnant and this life in her takes time to grow. There is new life in us. God's life. New creating life. The birth process is not an easy one for mother and child, but Oh, the reward when new life is born into the world.
That's what it means to expect. That's faith and faith has its own reward. Keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of your life. Boy, sometimes your back hurts and the stretch marks aren't pretty, but the reward makes it all worth it. God bless us all as we carry this precious new life within us. 1` Corithians 2:9.
God has never stopped creating new life. It's His joy. Keep that word hidden in your heart --EXPECT!
Paul was pregnant, expecting and look what He delivered! Mark 9:23.
What He promised, He will deliver. He is still Lord of all!
In His Love, a work in progress.
Extravagance. Matthew 26:6-13, Every child is my child. Every child is His child. Over 130 children shot dead. No mercy. Innocence snuffed out for no reason except revenge. Hate. Such evil.
How was it allowed to happen? I always have to look at Jesus and the cross. He knew the woman was anointing Him for what was to come. We look at the ointment and say, how extravagant! It was the best she had to give. She had bought it for herself, but she saw and felt something in Him that went way beyond any extravagance she would ever give. He came as a baby--a child. A mother's child. They would have killed Him too, chopped Him to pieces. No mercy. That child was my child. From the womb that was my child. Why do we kill children before they have a chance to show us how they could change the world? No mercy. Why is it so different if we chop them to pieces in the womb or in the classroom? I can't turn my eyes away. All precious in His sight. His - mine.
How wasteful we are. We are wasteful with the gift of life. Save the trees, do away with pollution. Make laws to clean up our water and air. Pass laws to kill our children! Where is mercy? He came as a baby, He died as a man. He called Himself Son of man. Innocence snuffed out. But was it? The world still wants to snuff Him out. God doesn't allow things for no reason at all.
We will someday have an answer. For now, we trust in the one who lives in us and through us. The One they thought they killed. God showed mercy on a world that showed none. Someday we'll know as we have been known. Keep your eyes on the Giver of life. Till then, may our God give us the gift of faith and trust and grace. Romans 8:28.
We trust in your presence and word. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Psalm 100:5. Mercy! His mercy is everlasting! Psalm 107:8-9
In His Love, a work in progress
How was it allowed to happen? I always have to look at Jesus and the cross. He knew the woman was anointing Him for what was to come. We look at the ointment and say, how extravagant! It was the best she had to give. She had bought it for herself, but she saw and felt something in Him that went way beyond any extravagance she would ever give. He came as a baby--a child. A mother's child. They would have killed Him too, chopped Him to pieces. No mercy. That child was my child. From the womb that was my child. Why do we kill children before they have a chance to show us how they could change the world? No mercy. Why is it so different if we chop them to pieces in the womb or in the classroom? I can't turn my eyes away. All precious in His sight. His - mine.
How wasteful we are. We are wasteful with the gift of life. Save the trees, do away with pollution. Make laws to clean up our water and air. Pass laws to kill our children! Where is mercy? He came as a baby, He died as a man. He called Himself Son of man. Innocence snuffed out. But was it? The world still wants to snuff Him out. God doesn't allow things for no reason at all.
We will someday have an answer. For now, we trust in the one who lives in us and through us. The One they thought they killed. God showed mercy on a world that showed none. Someday we'll know as we have been known. Keep your eyes on the Giver of life. Till then, may our God give us the gift of faith and trust and grace. Romans 8:28.
We trust in your presence and word. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Psalm 100:5. Mercy! His mercy is everlasting! Psalm 107:8-9
In His Love, a work in progress
It doesn't happen very often that you come face to face with the Spirit in another person. You don't have to know anything about the person, but you do have to know and recognize the Spirit. You know that the two of you share something very special. Let it be what it is. You've known this Spirit. You've touched this Spirit. You recognize this Spirit. It is immediate recognition. How is it that I meet the same Spirit in another without the Spirit being divided? How does Spirit live in so many and still remain completely whole? "O sweet mystery of life, at last I have found you. At last I know the secret of it all." An old song. To know You is to love You, to trust You, to know perfect peace in Your presence.
To know you in a peace that is beyond my understanding. You tell me not to lean on my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge You, and You will direct my path.
Sweet, sweet Spirit, Jesus, God in three persons. Perfect. Complete. One. Love, joy, one. "You're real, you're really real!" My first words to Him. " He touched me! O, He touched me, and O, the joy that filled my soul. Something happened, and now I know. He touched me, and me me whole."
Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Sweet, Sabbath, sweet Christmas, sweet Easter. Sweeter still 24/7! 365 days a year, through all eternity. What an amazing gift. Let this gift that I've received somehow pass through me and may Your touch be recognized. May we all say, "You're real, you're really real!"
In that moment you'll know Him in that deep peace. Jesus' prayer in John 17. Let every day be Christ day. You meet Him in the strangest places.
In His Love, a work in progress.
To know you in a peace that is beyond my understanding. You tell me not to lean on my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge You, and You will direct my path.
Sweet, sweet Spirit, Jesus, God in three persons. Perfect. Complete. One. Love, joy, one. "You're real, you're really real!" My first words to Him. " He touched me! O, He touched me, and O, the joy that filled my soul. Something happened, and now I know. He touched me, and me me whole."
Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. Sweet, Sabbath, sweet Christmas, sweet Easter. Sweeter still 24/7! 365 days a year, through all eternity. What an amazing gift. Let this gift that I've received somehow pass through me and may Your touch be recognized. May we all say, "You're real, you're really real!"
In that moment you'll know Him in that deep peace. Jesus' prayer in John 17. Let every day be Christ day. You meet Him in the strangest places.
In His Love, a work in progress.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
For our 60th Wedding Anniversary, our son made us a tapestry of all the lives that have been woven through ours. Children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. It started me thinking of all the lives that I evolved from. We are all bound together in this tapestry.
Without them running through my life, I wouldn't be here. All of them are different, unique. All a different color in this tapestry. Imagine your own family. It doesn't start or end with you. Put together in you, it is a unique work of art. Each with its own color and gifts. Each adds to the beauty of your life. Whether they are still to come or have already gone home to be with the Lord, they are still uniquely a part of who you are.
Always they are a part of me and always I am a part of who they are. I am blessed. We call it family. I am blessed!
Thank you, Lord. I have passed from death to life. Thank you for giving us the ability to think new thoughts, to see things differently., 1 Corinthians 2:9
How great is our God! 1 Timothy 4:4
In His Love, a work in progress
Without them running through my life, I wouldn't be here. All of them are different, unique. All a different color in this tapestry. Imagine your own family. It doesn't start or end with you. Put together in you, it is a unique work of art. Each with its own color and gifts. Each adds to the beauty of your life. Whether they are still to come or have already gone home to be with the Lord, they are still uniquely a part of who you are.
Always they are a part of me and always I am a part of who they are. I am blessed. We call it family. I am blessed!
Thank you, Lord. I have passed from death to life. Thank you for giving us the ability to think new thoughts, to see things differently., 1 Corinthians 2:9
How great is our God! 1 Timothy 4:4
In His Love, a work in progress
How many times have we used that word ion our lives? I love that car. I love this dress. I love ice cream, pizza, hamburgers, that person. I love to play golf. I love coffee. I love bourbon. I love roses, daisies, winter, summer, spring.
When we think of that word, do we ever say I love God? Some do, but the majority don't realize that that word is a word like no other! God is love. How unique and special that word is! Ephesians 3:14-19. Oh, to know this love that surpasses knowledge!
In His Love, a work in progress
When we think of that word, do we ever say I love God? Some do, but the majority don't realize that that word is a word like no other! God is love. How unique and special that word is! Ephesians 3:14-19. Oh, to know this love that surpasses knowledge!
In His Love, a work in progress
This is what I came away with this morning: We have a presence. You have to be still and patient to find it. It is another's presence. God has a presence first. He is everywhere present. In His presence ios love, joy, peace, patience. All the sweetness we long to find in others and pets.
Lord, let our presence be the same as yours. Soak us in yourself. Your quick presence, it's home. Live in it. Soak in it. Oh Lord, when I in awesome wonder consider all....How Great Thou Art!
In His Love, a work in progress
Lord, let our presence be the same as yours. Soak us in yourself. Your quick presence, it's home. Live in it. Soak in it. Oh Lord, when I in awesome wonder consider all....How Great Thou Art!
In His Love, a work in progress
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Psalm 68:19, Luke 11:46, Galatians 6:2, Matthew 11:26-30, 2 Corinthians 5:4, Galatians 5:1
Do you ever carry "burdens" you can't identify or call by name? But you can feel them in your back, neck, shoulders. You're carrying something too heavy for you. It weighs a ton. Everything hurts from the weight of it. You daily bare our burdens. Summon your power, O Lord. Show us your strength, O God, as You have done before. You are awesome, O God. The God of Israel gives power and strength to His people.
Jesus says to take His yoke upon you because it is easy and His burden is light. "I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul." Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, but He washed it white as snow.
Hold me there, Lord, till I don't struggle against You but lay peacefully in your arms of love. Love is patent. Love is kind. 2 Corinthians 5. Do Your mighty work of love, for it is You in me working and willing for Your good pleasure. Romans 8:28. According to Your purpose, O God!
In the arms of love. A work in progress. You hold this one tight. Thank you, Lord!
In His love, a work in progress.
Do you ever carry "burdens" you can't identify or call by name? But you can feel them in your back, neck, shoulders. You're carrying something too heavy for you. It weighs a ton. Everything hurts from the weight of it. You daily bare our burdens. Summon your power, O Lord. Show us your strength, O God, as You have done before. You are awesome, O God. The God of Israel gives power and strength to His people.
Jesus says to take His yoke upon you because it is easy and His burden is light. "I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul." Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, but He washed it white as snow.
Hold me there, Lord, till I don't struggle against You but lay peacefully in your arms of love. Love is patent. Love is kind. 2 Corinthians 5. Do Your mighty work of love, for it is You in me working and willing for Your good pleasure. Romans 8:28. According to Your purpose, O God!
In the arms of love. A work in progress. You hold this one tight. Thank you, Lord!
In His love, a work in progress.
I'll never understand how the world can celebrate a Christmas that puts them in debt for the rest of the year, when the very reason Jesus came was to set us free from the debt we'd accumulated all our lives. Do we even know what that word, "Christmas" means? Christ mas = Christ day. John 1:16.
All the fighting over the best deals. Greed. Just the opposite of Christ day. What have we taught our children? They learn more by watching us than by what we say.
Santa. Snowmen. Angels. Violent movies. Happy Holiday!
In His love, a work in progress
All the fighting over the best deals. Greed. Just the opposite of Christ day. What have we taught our children? They learn more by watching us than by what we say.
Santa. Snowmen. Angels. Violent movies. Happy Holiday!
In His love, a work in progress
Death to life: Romans 6-8
Did we ever think of death when we were children? I didn't. But as we grow, isn't each day we leave behind actually a silent death? Don't we die each day to that which we hold dear? Do I still have my babies, my children? They are gone to me, hidden in grown-up bodies. Another life. New life. We must die to the old and behold the new. It happens every morning if we let it.
Do we grieve for the losses? Sometime, but would I always want to keep them bound up in childhood? Still, death comes day be day. Jesus said He overcame death. Death is always a companion. But so is new life. Out of death comes new life, day by day. Death is swallowed up in life.
Each day, the old is gone, behold the new! Sometimes the new day feels like death. In each new day, I have already started the death process. Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.
It is the way it's supposed to be. This road leads home. The precious bumpy road is the only way home to Father. I shed my old skin every step of the way. "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Yahweh is my Shepherd..
I lack nothing.. In meadows of green grass, He lets me lie. To waters of repose, He leads me. There He revives my soul. He guides me by paths of virtue for His names sake. Though I pass through a gloomy valley, I fear no evil. Beside me, Your rod and staff are there to hearten me.
You prepare a table before me, under the eyes of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup brims over. Oh, how goodness and kindness pursue me, every day of my life.
My home, the house of Yahweh, as long as I live ..eternally. The old is gone, behold the new. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, my God!
In His love, a work is progress
Did we ever think of death when we were children? I didn't. But as we grow, isn't each day we leave behind actually a silent death? Don't we die each day to that which we hold dear? Do I still have my babies, my children? They are gone to me, hidden in grown-up bodies. Another life. New life. We must die to the old and behold the new. It happens every morning if we let it.
Do we grieve for the losses? Sometime, but would I always want to keep them bound up in childhood? Still, death comes day be day. Jesus said He overcame death. Death is always a companion. But so is new life. Out of death comes new life, day by day. Death is swallowed up in life.
Each day, the old is gone, behold the new! Sometimes the new day feels like death. In each new day, I have already started the death process. Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.
It is the way it's supposed to be. This road leads home. The precious bumpy road is the only way home to Father. I shed my old skin every step of the way. "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Yahweh is my Shepherd..
I lack nothing.. In meadows of green grass, He lets me lie. To waters of repose, He leads me. There He revives my soul. He guides me by paths of virtue for His names sake. Though I pass through a gloomy valley, I fear no evil. Beside me, Your rod and staff are there to hearten me.
You prepare a table before me, under the eyes of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup brims over. Oh, how goodness and kindness pursue me, every day of my life.
My home, the house of Yahweh, as long as I live ..eternally. The old is gone, behold the new. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, my God!
In His love, a work is progress
Hebrews 11:
What would faith b e if not for stepping into the unknown, the unseen, the untouched. Yet, I find myself apprehensive about stepping out into this unknown thing we call DEATH. Jesus conquered it. He walked right into it. What death is on this side, an end of life, is really a beginning of life on the other side.
When you're tired, isn't it lovely to be going back home? I never even imagine that there is evil awaiting me there. The word "home" is special. The people who live there make a house a home. My God is home. Heaven is where He has made home to me, with all who have gone on before me.
Perfect love casts out fear!
What would faith b e if not for stepping into the unknown, the unseen, the untouched. Yet, I find myself apprehensive about stepping out into this unknown thing we call DEATH. Jesus conquered it. He walked right into it. What death is on this side, an end of life, is really a beginning of life on the other side.
When you're tired, isn't it lovely to be going back home? I never even imagine that there is evil awaiting me there. The word "home" is special. The people who live there make a house a home. My God is home. Heaven is where He has made home to me, with all who have gone on before me.
Perfect love casts out fear!
Friday, December 5, 2014
Lord, you give the pain of life purpose. You give everything purpose. If we don't see purpose in pain, no matter what route it takes, we will have wasted much of our lives. The highways and byways are full of lives that have bypassed their greatest opportunity for growth and discovery.
Have they found what they've been looking for? Has this world given them a gift? God is the gift-giver. The world takes. It'll take everything you give it. It'll rob you of your soul. God gave this world a precious gift just for the asking. This gift cost hell its power. Jesus said, I have overcome the world!" Join the ranks of the overcomers.
He doesn't promise no more pain,m but He does say that because He overcame, you will have His power to overcome too. There is a promise in the cross that reaches far beyond this world. This world is not all there is! We have passed from death to life. The King of glory is victorious. March on. Psalm 143:8
Cause me to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul unto You. Jesus is the way!
In His Love, a work in progress.
Have they found what they've been looking for? Has this world given them a gift? God is the gift-giver. The world takes. It'll take everything you give it. It'll rob you of your soul. God gave this world a precious gift just for the asking. This gift cost hell its power. Jesus said, I have overcome the world!" Join the ranks of the overcomers.
He doesn't promise no more pain,m but He does say that because He overcame, you will have His power to overcome too. There is a promise in the cross that reaches far beyond this world. This world is not all there is! We have passed from death to life. The King of glory is victorious. March on. Psalm 143:8
Cause me to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul unto You. Jesus is the way!
In His Love, a work in progress.
When I wake up in the morning, You are there. When I turn to You in the midst of the chaos the world seems to be in, You are there. You are always there, giving love, encouragement, hope for a better tomorrow. Restorer of life. Giver of life abundant, YOU ARE THERE!.
I have a grateful heart because You are there. I have hope of a new world because You are there. I have faith because You are there. I know You, because You are there. YOU have a plan. A plan to give kus a hope and a future, not to harm us.
You are there. Open our eyes to see you clearly. Our God of Love.
In His Love, a work in progress
I have a grateful heart because You are there. I have hope of a new world because You are there. I have faith because You are there. I know You, because You are there. YOU have a plan. A plan to give kus a hope and a future, not to harm us.
You are there. Open our eyes to see you clearly. Our God of Love.
In His Love, a work in progress
Thank You for new life! Thank You that my family and I can be a part of that. You make such a change in man. If all the people in Ferguson had Your Spirit, it would be so different! Lawlessness!
I see Jesus on the cross bleeding and beaten. He said to "forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." In John 17, He said, "Father, glorify Your Son so the Son may glorify You. I want them to be with Me where I am. I want them to know the love and joy that We share. Lawlessness will be, but greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that he who believes in Him should not perish. It is not God's will that any should perish, but that all may be saved.
We are all defense lawyers, defending ourselves. In defending ourselves, we convict ourselves. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We are all lawbreakers to one degree or another.
Is God a liar? These are His words! Not to destroy you, but to give you a hope and a future. An eternal future, filled with love and hope! All can receive salvation by His grace. A free gift of hope from our Creator. God has an open door policy in Christ! Come!
God wins! Who doesn't want to be on the winning side?
In His love, a work in progress.
I see Jesus on the cross bleeding and beaten. He said to "forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." In John 17, He said, "Father, glorify Your Son so the Son may glorify You. I want them to be with Me where I am. I want them to know the love and joy that We share. Lawlessness will be, but greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that he who believes in Him should not perish. It is not God's will that any should perish, but that all may be saved.
We are all defense lawyers, defending ourselves. In defending ourselves, we convict ourselves. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We are all lawbreakers to one degree or another.
Is God a liar? These are His words! Not to destroy you, but to give you a hope and a future. An eternal future, filled with love and hope! All can receive salvation by His grace. A free gift of hope from our Creator. God has an open door policy in Christ! Come!
God wins! Who doesn't want to be on the winning side?
In His love, a work in progress.
When did we become separated from you, Lord? There is nothing I need more than to be one with You again. Inseperable. The earth is the Lord's and everything in it. Giver of life - life itself. When did we ever think we had life in ourselves? You, Lord, are the way, the life, and the truth. My life. Restorter of what is broken. You say, blessed are those who mourn. This morning I mourn for all that has been lost, for every moment in right relationship is precious.
Forgive me for thinking I could live any kind of good life apart from You. Even in prayer, I only ask for you to deal and enter into one small part of my existence. Take care of this for me, and all will be well. Lord, forgive. I am like a smashed pot, with no resemblance of what I should have been. Created in Your image: Deut. 32:39; 2 Kings 20:5-8; Job 5:18, Psalm 6:2, 41:4; Isa. 19:22, 57:18, 19; Jer 17:14, 30:17, 30.
This I say to you. You can begin again! Psalm 17:24; Hebrews 13:5
In His Love, a work in progress.
Forgive me for thinking I could live any kind of good life apart from You. Even in prayer, I only ask for you to deal and enter into one small part of my existence. Take care of this for me, and all will be well. Lord, forgive. I am like a smashed pot, with no resemblance of what I should have been. Created in Your image: Deut. 32:39; 2 Kings 20:5-8; Job 5:18, Psalm 6:2, 41:4; Isa. 19:22, 57:18, 19; Jer 17:14, 30:17, 30.
This I say to you. You can begin again! Psalm 17:24; Hebrews 13:5
In His Love, a work in progress.
There is no saving the old. All of the earth has been defiled. Even the heavens under its inhabitants feet. A curse consumes the earth. Joy is gone. So heavy will be the sins on it, it will fall, never to rise again.
But.... there is hope. Our God is a God of hope. Bud would cry, "overzies!" God is our refuge. When all else fails, God is our hope and refuge. We see "climate change" volcanoes, wars, destruction, floods, mighty storms. Whatever we see is because our sin has touched all of His creation. God has a plan for redemption. He is our hope. He will destroy death forever. He will wipe away our tears of mourning. He is our everlasting hope. He will take away our shame. Our hope is revealed--it is God. We rejoice that He has saved us! Trust in Yaweh forever. He can build up and He can tear down.
Our pride has killed us. Life depending on ourselves to save cannot save. When Your judgements appear on the earth, the people learn integrity. God means what He says. The Lord cries out for us to make peace with Him.
I don't pretend to understand it all. I just know in my heart that when all looks bleak, I am in a safe place that God has made for all who have believed, and are under the shelter of His wing. Everything may crumble around me, but here I stand on the solid rock. My safe place. I am not perfect, and security is in another Who is mighty to save. Hebrews 11. Faith is my guarantee of the blessing we hope for. It is the proof of the existence of things yet unseen.
Our God reigns. He is our hope. We hope in His mercy. In Christ, I find love, hope and mercy. I wear it like armor.
Receive Him with me.
In His love, a work in progress.
But.... there is hope. Our God is a God of hope. Bud would cry, "overzies!" God is our refuge. When all else fails, God is our hope and refuge. We see "climate change" volcanoes, wars, destruction, floods, mighty storms. Whatever we see is because our sin has touched all of His creation. God has a plan for redemption. He is our hope. He will destroy death forever. He will wipe away our tears of mourning. He is our everlasting hope. He will take away our shame. Our hope is revealed--it is God. We rejoice that He has saved us! Trust in Yaweh forever. He can build up and He can tear down.
Our pride has killed us. Life depending on ourselves to save cannot save. When Your judgements appear on the earth, the people learn integrity. God means what He says. The Lord cries out for us to make peace with Him.
I don't pretend to understand it all. I just know in my heart that when all looks bleak, I am in a safe place that God has made for all who have believed, and are under the shelter of His wing. Everything may crumble around me, but here I stand on the solid rock. My safe place. I am not perfect, and security is in another Who is mighty to save. Hebrews 11. Faith is my guarantee of the blessing we hope for. It is the proof of the existence of things yet unseen.
Our God reigns. He is our hope. We hope in His mercy. In Christ, I find love, hope and mercy. I wear it like armor.
Receive Him with me.
In His love, a work in progress.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Psalm 29. A call to worship.
The one thing we forget: Forgive us,Lord. When I am weak then I am strong.
What if--just what if we would call for a day of worship? U.S., Israel, U.N., the world. A day when we recognized God for who He is. I can't even imagine what would happen. Someone said to me, "Where are the miracles?" I say, where are WE! He said even if I gave miracles, would you believe?
Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory of His Name. Worship the Lord in holy array,. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. The glory thunders the Lord upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is full of majesty (is anyone listening?).
The voice of the Lord flashes forth flame of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness. The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kedesh. The voice of the Lord makes the oaks to whirl and strips the forest bare; In His temple, all cry! Glory! I am with them!
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; The Lord sits enthroned as King forever! May the Lord give strength to His people! May the Lord b less His people with peace. Isa. 40:31.
Apathy is a greater danger than terrorism by any name. Unite in prayer for Furgeson. May God be praised. Thank you, Jesus.
In His Love, a work in progress.
The one thing we forget: Forgive us,Lord. When I am weak then I am strong.
What if--just what if we would call for a day of worship? U.S., Israel, U.N., the world. A day when we recognized God for who He is. I can't even imagine what would happen. Someone said to me, "Where are the miracles?" I say, where are WE! He said even if I gave miracles, would you believe?
Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory of His Name. Worship the Lord in holy array,. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. The glory thunders the Lord upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is full of majesty (is anyone listening?).
The voice of the Lord flashes forth flame of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness. The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kedesh. The voice of the Lord makes the oaks to whirl and strips the forest bare; In His temple, all cry! Glory! I am with them!
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; The Lord sits enthroned as King forever! May the Lord give strength to His people! May the Lord b less His people with peace. Isa. 40:31.
Apathy is a greater danger than terrorism by any name. Unite in prayer for Furgeson. May God be praised. Thank you, Jesus.
In His Love, a work in progress.
Love is not turn ed on and off. Love is. God is always the same. God is love. Love grows stronger as love is given, even to an enemy. I have a puppy, a gift of God through my husband. I fear my love for another will rob my God of something only He should have. But the more unchanging is my love, for all the more I am expressing who He is. The more I glorify Him. Love can't change and still be love.
It's hard for my puppy to change from what he has always known. He bites, and my first instinct is to whack him. But if I am to change him, it will be through the love and patience that God has shown to change me. John 3:16.
For God so loved the world that He gave and gave and gave all that He had, down to the last drop of blood! So He teaches me more about Himself through His creation. I praise Him for his patience and understanding.
I fear that I am no more than a puppy still.
In His Love, a work in progress
It's hard for my puppy to change from what he has always known. He bites, and my first instinct is to whack him. But if I am to change him, it will be through the love and patience that God has shown to change me. John 3:16.
For God so loved the world that He gave and gave and gave all that He had, down to the last drop of blood! So He teaches me more about Himself through His creation. I praise Him for his patience and understanding.
I fear that I am no more than a puppy still.
In His Love, a work in progress
Sing to God a New Song. How about an old forgotten hymn? "Grace, Grace, God's Grace. Grace that will pardon and cleanse within. Grace, Grace, God's Grace that is greater than all our sin."
Paul learned about grace the same way we all must learn--through seeing our weakness and God's provision. The thorn in his flesh caused him great pain and it was not removed. It was there as an acute reminder of weakness. It had a purpose. To keep him from pride over the great revelations he had received. He saw the purpose God had in it. Pride, conceit would have stolen God's glory for himself and ruined his relationship with the Lord. God's response to our natural side (when we see it) is not to destroy us, but show us a greater way of hope. God's power is made perfect in the very things, our weaknesses, that we would try to hide. So instead of bragging about his great accomplishments, he bragged about his weaknesses so that Christ's power would rest upon him. He actually delighted in his weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, persecutions, difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12-13. When I don't have to defend myself anymore, or live in fear of my weakness being exposed--what freedom, what peace.
Ephesians 2:7; 4:7; James 4:6; 1 Peter 1:2; Matthew 11:28
In His Love, a work in progress
Paul learned about grace the same way we all must learn--through seeing our weakness and God's provision. The thorn in his flesh caused him great pain and it was not removed. It was there as an acute reminder of weakness. It had a purpose. To keep him from pride over the great revelations he had received. He saw the purpose God had in it. Pride, conceit would have stolen God's glory for himself and ruined his relationship with the Lord. God's response to our natural side (when we see it) is not to destroy us, but show us a greater way of hope. God's power is made perfect in the very things, our weaknesses, that we would try to hide. So instead of bragging about his great accomplishments, he bragged about his weaknesses so that Christ's power would rest upon him. He actually delighted in his weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, persecutions, difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12-13. When I don't have to defend myself anymore, or live in fear of my weakness being exposed--what freedom, what peace.
Ephesians 2:7; 4:7; James 4:6; 1 Peter 1:2; Matthew 11:28
In His Love, a work in progress
Sunday, October 26, 2014
How long does it take to put a wedding together. How long to make the dress? God is preparing the wedding. He is having the dress made by Oscar De La Renta. The most elegant dress Oscar has ever made. This is a celebration that will never end. It'll never have to worry about enough wine. All has been prepared since the beginning to the end. Dancing, singing, praising that will never end. Love, Joy, Peace that will never end. Sounds too good to be true? Only to our limited minds.
It's in our hearts to desire it. God put it in our hearts. It's what we live for. God has a plan--not to harm us but to give us a hope and a future. Is the bride excited? The groom can't take his eyes off this vision of loveliness. He has waited so long. She is so beautiful. Love is more delightful than wine.
My beloved is mine, and I am His. Crazy - romantic woman? Read Song of Solomon. David wrote it. There was nothing in all the world that blessed that man like the love of God. Romantic? Join the club.
Love is stronger than death. Why do you think the evil ones want to destroy love? God is Love! Talk about romantic. Our God started romance. He courts us, draws us to Himself.
Come to the wedding. In the meantime, praise our romantic God! Psalm 144-150 Psalm 4:7 Mark 9:23
In His Love, a work in progress.
It's in our hearts to desire it. God put it in our hearts. It's what we live for. God has a plan--not to harm us but to give us a hope and a future. Is the bride excited? The groom can't take his eyes off this vision of loveliness. He has waited so long. She is so beautiful. Love is more delightful than wine.
My beloved is mine, and I am His. Crazy - romantic woman? Read Song of Solomon. David wrote it. There was nothing in all the world that blessed that man like the love of God. Romantic? Join the club.
Love is stronger than death. Why do you think the evil ones want to destroy love? God is Love! Talk about romantic. Our God started romance. He courts us, draws us to Himself.
Come to the wedding. In the meantime, praise our romantic God! Psalm 144-150 Psalm 4:7 Mark 9:23
In His Love, a work in progress.
Delightful, quiet,k present, not demanding, desire for closeness, oneness. Touch,. warmth. He will draw me through love, but I must be still and know that "I am God revealed." In stillness He draws me to Himself.
He reveals Himself. There is NO condemnation. I will never know that from Him. Jesus took it all. The more I know Him, the more I love Him, and am in awe of Him!
This is truly a new day. A new life. Thank you, Lord!
In His love, a work in progress
He reveals Himself. There is NO condemnation. I will never know that from Him. Jesus took it all. The more I know Him, the more I love Him, and am in awe of Him!
This is truly a new day. A new life. Thank you, Lord!
In His love, a work in progress
I got up this morning enjoying myself. My daughter has all my old photos. She and my grandchildren were stunned on how pretty I was. And to tell the truth, I've grieved over the losses that aging brings. But this morning I got up and said, would I exchange who I am now for who I was then? Would I exchange the beauty that God is creating in me now for the external beauty? I would NOT!
When I take a good look at the woman I used to be, and the woman I am now, I can only be grateful for what God has done in me. I will be grateful all my life, and you will be recipients of what He has done. I can't praise Him enough. The old is gone, the new is here. I can actually see it. I love the new me!
The word says if a husband doesn't love himself, he can't love his wife. That goes for the rest of us too. What a gift, what a blessing! I am still a work in progress, and am anxious to see all the new changes in me. It's real. It's exciting and the best is still to come! A new day dawning!
What an amazing Savior! Amazing love, amazing grace! I see a little face looking through the window of a candy store, but not having the money to come in. Come in, child, the door is open an d it's all free!
IT'S CALLED GRACE! For God so loved the world.... Philippians 3.
In His Love, a work in progress
When I take a good look at the woman I used to be, and the woman I am now, I can only be grateful for what God has done in me. I will be grateful all my life, and you will be recipients of what He has done. I can't praise Him enough. The old is gone, the new is here. I can actually see it. I love the new me!
The word says if a husband doesn't love himself, he can't love his wife. That goes for the rest of us too. What a gift, what a blessing! I am still a work in progress, and am anxious to see all the new changes in me. It's real. It's exciting and the best is still to come! A new day dawning!
What an amazing Savior! Amazing love, amazing grace! I see a little face looking through the window of a candy store, but not having the money to come in. Come in, child, the door is open an d it's all free!
IT'S CALLED GRACE! For God so loved the world.... Philippians 3.
In His Love, a work in progress
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Psalm 118. Live as though you were already there. New life. New world. Become as a little child. Love, imagination, trust, dependence, confidence, acceptance, wonder. When did it change? When did we start to take all the burdens of the world on our shoulders? Is that what we call maturity? Growing up?
Jesus said, "Lay your burdens down." There is such a thing as responsibility, but haven't we turned it in to slavery to a world that will be replaced. Our responsibility is to once again return to trust, peace, joy, patience, goodness and love.
I've been taught to distrust (put your trust in God), to cheat, to lie. Lets try to think as God thinks, speak as He speaks, to love, to trust again, and to become as little children--to rest in our Great Father's arms. It's called faith, in Hebrews 11. The burden is too great for a child. Let freedom ring in our hearts. Father is still good. He must be true to Himself. I am a child of God.
Help us, Lord, to give it all to you. Abba, Daddy, Father. Luke 4:18, Exodus 15:26, 1 John 2-3.
In His love, always a work in progress
Jesus said, "Lay your burdens down." There is such a thing as responsibility, but haven't we turned it in to slavery to a world that will be replaced. Our responsibility is to once again return to trust, peace, joy, patience, goodness and love.
I've been taught to distrust (put your trust in God), to cheat, to lie. Lets try to think as God thinks, speak as He speaks, to love, to trust again, and to become as little children--to rest in our Great Father's arms. It's called faith, in Hebrews 11. The burden is too great for a child. Let freedom ring in our hearts. Father is still good. He must be true to Himself. I am a child of God.
Help us, Lord, to give it all to you. Abba, Daddy, Father. Luke 4:18, Exodus 15:26, 1 John 2-3.
In His love, always a work in progress
Have you ever been in a flash flood? The water is filthy. It's full of creatures and debris. There is clean water and filthy water. 2 Peter 2. Look at the water Jesus promises: John 4:10, 7:38; Ephesians 5:26; Hebrews 10:22; Revelation 7:17, 21:6. Pure, clean water.
The flash flood is exactly that, a flood, and it is a force that sweeps away anything in its path. Have you heard of Noah's ark? Kids hear it in sunday school. It took Noah and family about 100 years to build it to God's specifications. It had ample room for everyone in town. They all had an invitation to come, but they mocked Noah--laughed at the idea that there would be an end of life the way they knew it. They laughed when they heard the promise to save them all. Still, the world mocks. One day, the door was closed and the invitations were no longer sent. The promise of a great flood would soon be fulfilled.
All aboard who's going aboard! God is calling. His heart of love has more than enough love for all. Remember the flash flood of dirty muddy water? It came!
Jesus is that ship sent just for us. Beautiful clean water to be washed clean in. His invitations still go out. Our 2,000 years and counting. What patience! Think on the word SAFE. I am the way, the truth and the life. Yes, the way is narrow and hard, but it is the safest place on earth. Love Jesus.
In His love, a work in progress
The flash flood is exactly that, a flood, and it is a force that sweeps away anything in its path. Have you heard of Noah's ark? Kids hear it in sunday school. It took Noah and family about 100 years to build it to God's specifications. It had ample room for everyone in town. They all had an invitation to come, but they mocked Noah--laughed at the idea that there would be an end of life the way they knew it. They laughed when they heard the promise to save them all. Still, the world mocks. One day, the door was closed and the invitations were no longer sent. The promise of a great flood would soon be fulfilled.
All aboard who's going aboard! God is calling. His heart of love has more than enough love for all. Remember the flash flood of dirty muddy water? It came!
Jesus is that ship sent just for us. Beautiful clean water to be washed clean in. His invitations still go out. Our 2,000 years and counting. What patience! Think on the word SAFE. I am the way, the truth and the life. Yes, the way is narrow and hard, but it is the safest place on earth. Love Jesus.
In His love, a work in progress
I never pictured God as a purple penguin! God said let us make man (and woman) in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over my creation, fish, birds, livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move on the earth. So God created man (and woman) in His image.
Where does a purple penguin fit into this picture? Where do they rule over all the earth? When I look into the mirror, I don't see purple! I see red! What is this world trying to rob me of now? Rob our vulnerable children of? My identity! Created in God's image. His child, created to rule. Penguins are a food source for big fish. Our children are NOT purple penguins. It may seem cute, but it is NOT!
It is gender robbery--like unisex bathrooms. I'll pee on the floor first! I am a female! The law has already robbed us of marriage between one man and one woman. It goes back to Genesis 1. Created in His image. Human man and woman to rule with Him!
The depth of it is to destroy all the word of God stands for. Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Purple penguins. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny. Who's laughing!
Thank you, Lord, for your word: the light to see by!
In His love, a work in progress
Where does a purple penguin fit into this picture? Where do they rule over all the earth? When I look into the mirror, I don't see purple! I see red! What is this world trying to rob me of now? Rob our vulnerable children of? My identity! Created in God's image. His child, created to rule. Penguins are a food source for big fish. Our children are NOT purple penguins. It may seem cute, but it is NOT!
It is gender robbery--like unisex bathrooms. I'll pee on the floor first! I am a female! The law has already robbed us of marriage between one man and one woman. It goes back to Genesis 1. Created in His image. Human man and woman to rule with Him!
The depth of it is to destroy all the word of God stands for. Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Purple penguins. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny. Who's laughing!
Thank you, Lord, for your word: the light to see by!
In His love, a work in progress
Monday, October 13, 2014
I can only discern evil by what You call evil, Lord. Those who hate You and will not turn from their wicked ways are under your wrath still. Everything serves You. All of nature serves You. I can hardly write about it. Isa. 13-24. Evil pride will be destroyed.
My God, You know man's heart. It's not a case of judging politically or emotionally. The case is, do we follow You, believe you, obey you? Make you our life and put ourselves under your protection? You are the King of all. We who choose you do not live under a democracy. I give all my rights to You, Who loves me.
I can only discern good my what You call good. Do I believe that is what you require of me? I have come from You and will return to You. This world is not my home. That's the problem. I've thought of it as my home. It's transient.
You will give us a new heaven and earth! This one we have destroyed with our disobedience and sin. Lust, hate, greed, lack of honor. Thank you for Jesus! There is no way we could make up for our willfulness. Your ways are not our ways. You have a plan--not to harm us, but give to us a hope and a future. Forgive, Father, for we know not what we do. Grace! Thank You for Grace!
In His love, a work in progress
My God, You know man's heart. It's not a case of judging politically or emotionally. The case is, do we follow You, believe you, obey you? Make you our life and put ourselves under your protection? You are the King of all. We who choose you do not live under a democracy. I give all my rights to You, Who loves me.
I can only discern good my what You call good. Do I believe that is what you require of me? I have come from You and will return to You. This world is not my home. That's the problem. I've thought of it as my home. It's transient.
You will give us a new heaven and earth! This one we have destroyed with our disobedience and sin. Lust, hate, greed, lack of honor. Thank you for Jesus! There is no way we could make up for our willfulness. Your ways are not our ways. You have a plan--not to harm us, but give to us a hope and a future. Forgive, Father, for we know not what we do. Grace! Thank You for Grace!
In His love, a work in progress
It seems I am going forward in the natural, but younger in the Spirit. Think of the child "in mothers"womb. Now think of yourself in Christ. I lived in warm water close to mother's heart for nine months. I lived. I grew from something so small it wasn't visible to the naked eye. Life enclosed, safe, warm, created in love and pleasure.
I am now as I receive Christ, put back in a womb-like place. I start out knowing very little about Him who have and sustains my life. What does the baby in the womb give the mother who carries the babe? I wonder, does the baby in her womb know the joy and love the baby gives just by being there? The baby rests, unknowingly fed from the mother's body. It does nothing to appease her, and yet she is appeased. Become as a little child, Jesus said. Trust me.
Everything is provided. Everything I need. The only work God requires of me is to believe. What a provocative meditation! Unending.
Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you, Father, that I was born....twice!
In His love, a work in progress
I am now as I receive Christ, put back in a womb-like place. I start out knowing very little about Him who have and sustains my life. What does the baby in the womb give the mother who carries the babe? I wonder, does the baby in her womb know the joy and love the baby gives just by being there? The baby rests, unknowingly fed from the mother's body. It does nothing to appease her, and yet she is appeased. Become as a little child, Jesus said. Trust me.
Everything is provided. Everything I need. The only work God requires of me is to believe. What a provocative meditation! Unending.
Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you, Father, that I was born....twice!
In His love, a work in progress
What used to hurt me has now become my joy. I share in His life. How rejected He was by those who professed to know the Father. I share in His suffering. I know and understand Him more through it. They even said He was of the devil! I no longer want to be accepted by those who don't want Him.
I just want this light that is in me to shine brighter. What a blessing He has given me. Whom He has set free is free indeed! Isa. 40:31. Those who have rejected me have unknowingly given me a precious gift from the Lord, LOVE. Romans 8:28
In His love, a work in progress
I just want this light that is in me to shine brighter. What a blessing He has given me. Whom He has set free is free indeed! Isa. 40:31. Those who have rejected me have unknowingly given me a precious gift from the Lord, LOVE. Romans 8:28
In His love, a work in progress
Thursday, October 9, 2014
God is for us all the way. Can I know Him? Yes! Can I understand everything He permits? No. But I can know the best part of Him: His heart! Where love, joy, blessings come from. As a baby is laying at his mother's breast feeling her heart beat, I lay close to my life source. I feel His heart beat, and nothing else matters.
Does the child know anything about his mother? Close to her heart, he knows everything will be OK. He knows it. He doesn't have to understand it all. He knows warmth, love, closeness, security. Every need is taken care of. He says, "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the Shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1). As the babe has only to cry out for its mother, so it is with Me and My Father."
When everything around me and in me is changing faster than I can process it, I need my Father! He has said, "I will never fail you. I will never abandon you." He also said, "Become as a little child, the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven." Well, it looks like I've come full circle. I am blessed. He knows just the right words to say at the right time. It's what He died to give us--the love and joy that He had with Father. Complete dependence on His love and protection. John 17. His Heart. It only takes closeness to hear it beat. Thank you. Three in One.
I am at peace, full, content at rest like a babe at the breast. As a babe gets hungry again, and cries out for more, I know I will get hungry for more, and He will feed me. I will feel His heart beat and feel satisfied and safe again.
Become as a little child. You may hear me gurgle and coo, "ABBA." Grace. Rev. 22:17 amp. Bible, Rev. 22:21. "Come, Lord Jesus!" Genesis 3:8
In His Love, a work in progress.
Does the child know anything about his mother? Close to her heart, he knows everything will be OK. He knows it. He doesn't have to understand it all. He knows warmth, love, closeness, security. Every need is taken care of. He says, "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the Shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1). As the babe has only to cry out for its mother, so it is with Me and My Father."
When everything around me and in me is changing faster than I can process it, I need my Father! He has said, "I will never fail you. I will never abandon you." He also said, "Become as a little child, the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven." Well, it looks like I've come full circle. I am blessed. He knows just the right words to say at the right time. It's what He died to give us--the love and joy that He had with Father. Complete dependence on His love and protection. John 17. His Heart. It only takes closeness to hear it beat. Thank you. Three in One.
I am at peace, full, content at rest like a babe at the breast. As a babe gets hungry again, and cries out for more, I know I will get hungry for more, and He will feed me. I will feel His heart beat and feel satisfied and safe again.
Become as a little child. You may hear me gurgle and coo, "ABBA." Grace. Rev. 22:17 amp. Bible, Rev. 22:21. "Come, Lord Jesus!" Genesis 3:8
In His Love, a work in progress.
You can have it all without giving it all! All the things you based your hope on. All the things that change and crumble. All the people who have died and lift you behind. All the fear. Oops! We forgot that didn't we? the big FEAR. Fear is the thing that won't let us live fully. Fear of loving, fear of giving, fear of hoping, fear--you name it. It's always been just around the corner. If I let to of fear, that means I have to put my trust in something else. Fear has kept me safe. Its kept me safe from pain and rejection , loss. Its kept me free from giving myself to anyone or anything. Fear has been with me all my life. It's been my companion,k protector. Now some one comes along and says, "Fear not! I am with you always." Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. Deut. 31:8.
Put your hand in the hand of the Man from Galilee. His favorite name for Himself was SON OF MAN. He relates to fear, but He didn't let it rule His life. So, here we are one with the Son of God and Son of Man, if we choose! The way, the truth, and the life. Matthew 11:28.
Come to Me. He says, been there, done that. The cross! Deut. 31:8 Genesis 3:8
In His love, a work in progress
Put your hand in the hand of the Man from Galilee. His favorite name for Himself was SON OF MAN. He relates to fear, but He didn't let it rule His life. So, here we are one with the Son of God and Son of Man, if we choose! The way, the truth, and the life. Matthew 11:28.
Come to Me. He says, been there, done that. The cross! Deut. 31:8 Genesis 3:8
In His love, a work in progress
What do we base our worth on? Everyone wants to know they are worth something. Is it beauty? Education? work? Money? Parents? Spouse? Religion? Select. Think on this. Think hard. Is this why we go from thing to thing, person to person, place to place, church to church, religion to religion, drugs? Is this why we're never satisfied with ourselves? Is this why we lose hope? Is this why we're depressed, and just want out? What do we blame for our misery? Our world, our government, our parents, our friends, spouse?
We may experience moments of happiness, but it too is fleeting. Our need is deeper than that. It's so deep we do everything we can to try to escape it. There is one way to escape--one door. One way, one truth, one life through Whom we can find our worth. Give your life over to Life Himself!
Listen, think on this: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." For God so loves us, you, me that He gave the most precious thing He had to give! He doesn't change like the wind. What was truth yesterday, is truth today and tomorrow. He said, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
Worth. You want worth, you want to know it every day, no matter what mistake you make. There is only one way to know your worth! Get your eyes off the world government, other people, what you can do or not do. His love never changes. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is what your worth is based on! God Himself!
You can't earn it. You can't deserve it. You can't buy it with all of your money, and best of all, you can't lose it. It's Grace, a free gift from God Himself! His name is Jesus. In Him, you'll find out what you are worth. Jeremiah 17:7 says, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence!
All to Jesus, I surrender, all to Him I freely give. I am blessed. The one work that pleases God is for us to believe. John 6:29.
In His love, a work in progress.
We may experience moments of happiness, but it too is fleeting. Our need is deeper than that. It's so deep we do everything we can to try to escape it. There is one way to escape--one door. One way, one truth, one life through Whom we can find our worth. Give your life over to Life Himself!
Listen, think on this: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." For God so loves us, you, me that He gave the most precious thing He had to give! He doesn't change like the wind. What was truth yesterday, is truth today and tomorrow. He said, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
Worth. You want worth, you want to know it every day, no matter what mistake you make. There is only one way to know your worth! Get your eyes off the world government, other people, what you can do or not do. His love never changes. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is what your worth is based on! God Himself!
You can't earn it. You can't deserve it. You can't buy it with all of your money, and best of all, you can't lose it. It's Grace, a free gift from God Himself! His name is Jesus. In Him, you'll find out what you are worth. Jeremiah 17:7 says, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence!
All to Jesus, I surrender, all to Him I freely give. I am blessed. The one work that pleases God is for us to believe. John 6:29.
In His love, a work in progress.
Monday, October 6, 2014
I'm having a hard time this morning. I can't seem to connect with the Spirit. Whether it be His Spirit or mine. He tells me "It's all right. Be still and know that He is God."
There is so much going on: Ebole, war, uncertainty everywhere. I'm sure I can't do anything about most of it. He has a plan. Each of us is in His hand. It's only when I get anxious or fearful that I have a hard time connecting with the Precious One who is the answer. Then He is there with the answer! "Be still and know that I am God." "Let Me have it."
But what if it doesn't go the way I want it to go? "Let Me have it." What did Jesus say? "No branch can bear fruit on its own. It must remain in the vine. Apart from Me you can do nothing. Even I could do nothing on my own, but only what I saw Father doing, and heard what He said." No branch is greater than the vine. We will do this together or not at all!
Help us all to be still and know you are God. Help us to work for peace, beginning with ourselves. Thank you, My Friend!
In His Love, a work in progress
There is so much going on: Ebole, war, uncertainty everywhere. I'm sure I can't do anything about most of it. He has a plan. Each of us is in His hand. It's only when I get anxious or fearful that I have a hard time connecting with the Precious One who is the answer. Then He is there with the answer! "Be still and know that I am God." "Let Me have it."
But what if it doesn't go the way I want it to go? "Let Me have it." What did Jesus say? "No branch can bear fruit on its own. It must remain in the vine. Apart from Me you can do nothing. Even I could do nothing on my own, but only what I saw Father doing, and heard what He said." No branch is greater than the vine. We will do this together or not at all!
Help us all to be still and know you are God. Help us to work for peace, beginning with ourselves. Thank you, My Friend!
In His Love, a work in progress
She saw the potential for good even in those who beat her. She was taken into slavery as a young child by slave traders. In the end, she was offered love, safety, riches, prestige, and she walked away from all worldly gain. Romans 8, Ephesians 1, Philippians 1:29; 34
It's funny that we are to forget the old--it's gone, but sometimes it's only by looking at our past, do we see how God has blessed us through it all. And through it all He has given us the opportunity to know Him. Bahkita said near the end of her journey that now she knew God was always with her.
Andre Crouch wrote a hymn: "Through It All." That proved true for Bahkita, and so many who have suffered. "Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus. I've learned to trust in God: Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His word.
I sit in His presence. This quiet place. I am in awe of how He can take all things and turn them for the good of those who love Him. Thank you, Blessed Trinity, and so many souls like Bahkita who love Him. When she saw Him on the cross, she related to Him because in her country (Africa) only slaves were hung on a cross. God bless.
In His Love, a work in progress
It's funny that we are to forget the old--it's gone, but sometimes it's only by looking at our past, do we see how God has blessed us through it all. And through it all He has given us the opportunity to know Him. Bahkita said near the end of her journey that now she knew God was always with her.
Andre Crouch wrote a hymn: "Through It All." That proved true for Bahkita, and so many who have suffered. "Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus. I've learned to trust in God: Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His word.
I sit in His presence. This quiet place. I am in awe of how He can take all things and turn them for the good of those who love Him. Thank you, Blessed Trinity, and so many souls like Bahkita who love Him. When she saw Him on the cross, she related to Him because in her country (Africa) only slaves were hung on a cross. God bless.
In His Love, a work in progress
There is great potential in every person. There is a seed, but it needs proper soil and water to take hold. God created us in His image. Couldn't be any other way. Can we look at every person, yes, I said EVERY, and see the image of God? Some don't see that image.
The eye is the lamp of the body (Luke 11:34). So be careful what you focus on. We have a choice. Jesus said He was the light of the world. What beauty. We can actually pass on light and darkness to our children. We see that happening today. Lord, keep our eyes on You, to see the potential in all for Light vs darkness. There is so much good to see: JESUS = the way, the truth, and the life. Thank you, Lord!
In His Love, a work in progress
The eye is the lamp of the body (Luke 11:34). So be careful what you focus on. We have a choice. Jesus said He was the light of the world. What beauty. We can actually pass on light and darkness to our children. We see that happening today. Lord, keep our eyes on You, to see the potential in all for Light vs darkness. There is so much good to see: JESUS = the way, the truth, and the life. Thank you, Lord!
In His Love, a work in progress
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
How can I make a difference, Lord? "Write what I tell you."
There is nothing new under the sun. What man has done, he will do again. Genesis - Revelation. I bring hope. Man compares himself to man to discover good and evil. He will never discover true goodness this way.
Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and perfecter of your faith. He had to come to make all things new. Not just your thoughts, but your whole being. You have a sign that says, "Change your thoughts and you change your life." That is only partially true. I came to give new life to everyone who would believe. True life comes out of death. I am that new life. The old way is gone. I see it and I want you to see it. From Genesis to Revelation.
I am the way. You are a part of the new way. We are one. Be yoked with Me. Walk alongside of me. You know it! Every fiber of your being is changed. Ever since you first recognized Me, your whole being has changed. See it! Know it! Hebrews 11:1 says faith is believing in what you can't see. Being sure of it. Like the air you breathe, you don't have to see it, but all the days of your life it has been there. All you have had to do is breathe. You can tell when it's bad, and you seek fresh new air. Seek Me, breathe Me in. I will not fail you. I am the One who has given you life from your first breath. That first squeal that took in air. I have given you the life you take for granted.
Will you believe me when I say, "I have a plan. Not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future"? A plan that started in Genesis and goes through Revelation. I know it seems to take a long time and there are many bumps along the way, but will you trust My plan for good? New life even if evil seems to loom huge all around you? Will you trust Me? Will you offer your faith to Me as a gift? There is a big picture--far beyond what you can see in your limited life span. But in that life span, you have learned of Me. My ways. The life I give is not hopeless, if you will believe it is full of hope. Receive hope, the gift I give you.
Seleh Isa 65:17, 66:22, 43:19, 55:1, 24:23, 60:1, 19, 11:1,10, 55:1
Ezek. 37:27, 40:2. Zech 14:21 Genesis 2:9, 3:22,24 Rev. 21-22
The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints. Those set apart for God. Exclusively His.
Amen. Ps. 100:5
In His Love, a work in progress
There is nothing new under the sun. What man has done, he will do again. Genesis - Revelation. I bring hope. Man compares himself to man to discover good and evil. He will never discover true goodness this way.
Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and perfecter of your faith. He had to come to make all things new. Not just your thoughts, but your whole being. You have a sign that says, "Change your thoughts and you change your life." That is only partially true. I came to give new life to everyone who would believe. True life comes out of death. I am that new life. The old way is gone. I see it and I want you to see it. From Genesis to Revelation.
I am the way. You are a part of the new way. We are one. Be yoked with Me. Walk alongside of me. You know it! Every fiber of your being is changed. Ever since you first recognized Me, your whole being has changed. See it! Know it! Hebrews 11:1 says faith is believing in what you can't see. Being sure of it. Like the air you breathe, you don't have to see it, but all the days of your life it has been there. All you have had to do is breathe. You can tell when it's bad, and you seek fresh new air. Seek Me, breathe Me in. I will not fail you. I am the One who has given you life from your first breath. That first squeal that took in air. I have given you the life you take for granted.
Will you believe me when I say, "I have a plan. Not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future"? A plan that started in Genesis and goes through Revelation. I know it seems to take a long time and there are many bumps along the way, but will you trust My plan for good? New life even if evil seems to loom huge all around you? Will you trust Me? Will you offer your faith to Me as a gift? There is a big picture--far beyond what you can see in your limited life span. But in that life span, you have learned of Me. My ways. The life I give is not hopeless, if you will believe it is full of hope. Receive hope, the gift I give you.
Seleh Isa 65:17, 66:22, 43:19, 55:1, 24:23, 60:1, 19, 11:1,10, 55:1
Ezek. 37:27, 40:2. Zech 14:21 Genesis 2:9, 3:22,24 Rev. 21-22
The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints. Those set apart for God. Exclusively His.
Amen. Ps. 100:5
In His Love, a work in progress
Another man beheaded. He was a Frenchman who had gone to Algeria to do some mountain climbing. They took him to proclaim allegiance with ISIS. So it has begun. He was a tourist, a random choosing off the street. No matter what people say, this is a holy war, and it has just begun! The U.S. is a target. Israel is a target. It's the only thing that has united the nations.
I pray a wild prayer: That God unites the nations in Christ! Our only safe haven. There is no place to hide. "If you're not for Me, you're against me." Be on guard. Ephesians 6. The enemy comes as an angel of light. He may look like the light, but is a counterfeit.
Have you ever seen a counterfeit bill or painting? Only an expert would know it. One thing he won't come with is a sword to cut your throat, but make no mistake, he comes to kill, maim, and destroy the image of God that we are! We have protection for our minds, our hearts. As with clothes, we have the order to put on the protection God offers us. That is our part.
The Word! It is protection. You can't go around half dressed! Without the word we can't make wise choices. Without the word, we won't know our God, ourselves, and where we stand with Him...and we won't know our enemy!
There will be an evil day. Our orders are to stand firmly in our place. How can we stand firmly in our place if we don't have any idea where our place is? You can run, but you cannot hide. God has provided for this evil day. We don't fight against flesh and blood. There is an enemy. God's enemy, unseen by the natural eye. We must put on the whole armor that God has provided. There is only one thing that makes us strong enough to stand in the midst of this evil day. That is the strength of the Lord! Jesus! He has overcome the world. His love casts out fear. He is my peace, my strength. My hope of a better day. A new world.
Jesus is coming soon. God's timing is perfect. J. Peterson wrote: "coming again, coming again, maybe morning, maybe noon, maybe evening, and maybe soon. Coming again, coming again. Oh, what a wonderful day it will be. Jesus is coming again!
Our comfort is already here. He is in us--never to leave us or forsake us! Philippians 1:6. My friend, your friend, Jesus was a Jew. He lived in the midst of holy war. He died and rose again in the midst of holy war. It's always about Jesus! He is the way, the truth, and the life. Always.
In His Love, a work in progress.
I pray a wild prayer: That God unites the nations in Christ! Our only safe haven. There is no place to hide. "If you're not for Me, you're against me." Be on guard. Ephesians 6. The enemy comes as an angel of light. He may look like the light, but is a counterfeit.
Have you ever seen a counterfeit bill or painting? Only an expert would know it. One thing he won't come with is a sword to cut your throat, but make no mistake, he comes to kill, maim, and destroy the image of God that we are! We have protection for our minds, our hearts. As with clothes, we have the order to put on the protection God offers us. That is our part.
The Word! It is protection. You can't go around half dressed! Without the word we can't make wise choices. Without the word, we won't know our God, ourselves, and where we stand with Him...and we won't know our enemy!
There will be an evil day. Our orders are to stand firmly in our place. How can we stand firmly in our place if we don't have any idea where our place is? You can run, but you cannot hide. God has provided for this evil day. We don't fight against flesh and blood. There is an enemy. God's enemy, unseen by the natural eye. We must put on the whole armor that God has provided. There is only one thing that makes us strong enough to stand in the midst of this evil day. That is the strength of the Lord! Jesus! He has overcome the world. His love casts out fear. He is my peace, my strength. My hope of a better day. A new world.
Jesus is coming soon. God's timing is perfect. J. Peterson wrote: "coming again, coming again, maybe morning, maybe noon, maybe evening, and maybe soon. Coming again, coming again. Oh, what a wonderful day it will be. Jesus is coming again!
Our comfort is already here. He is in us--never to leave us or forsake us! Philippians 1:6. My friend, your friend, Jesus was a Jew. He lived in the midst of holy war. He died and rose again in the midst of holy war. It's always about Jesus! He is the way, the truth, and the life. Always.
In His Love, a work in progress.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
When I was a child, I didn't like vegetables. Now I am a vegetarian!
How can you reject pure sweet water if you've never tasted it? If someone offered you a glass of pure, cool water when you were dying for lack of water, would you say you didn't believe in water? It's right in front of you and you would die for lack of what would sustain your life. Living water. Life-giving water in a dry and thirsty world. How can you say it doesn't exist if you've never known it, you've never tasted it. How can you say Jesus doesn't exist just because you've never known Him, and build a whole belief system around your belief, or lack thereof. That's pretty narrow-minded isn't it?
If you choose unbelief, go that route, but don't take others with you,. Please try this living water that is offered. It's a free gift. Try it and then if you still don't find it meets your need, then go down the road you choose, but don't try to build a whole belief system around your unbelief.,
Satan is a liar and the father of lies. You've given him a try--now try some fresh, cool living water--the Truth! Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Drink your fill. In a dry and thirsty lade, He is the only one to satisfy. He loves you. I'm sorry you don't know that. It breaks my heart.....and His! 1 Corinthians 2:9
In His love, a work in progress.
How can you reject pure sweet water if you've never tasted it? If someone offered you a glass of pure, cool water when you were dying for lack of water, would you say you didn't believe in water? It's right in front of you and you would die for lack of what would sustain your life. Living water. Life-giving water in a dry and thirsty world. How can you say it doesn't exist if you've never known it, you've never tasted it. How can you say Jesus doesn't exist just because you've never known Him, and build a whole belief system around your belief, or lack thereof. That's pretty narrow-minded isn't it?
If you choose unbelief, go that route, but don't take others with you,. Please try this living water that is offered. It's a free gift. Try it and then if you still don't find it meets your need, then go down the road you choose, but don't try to build a whole belief system around your unbelief.,
Satan is a liar and the father of lies. You've given him a try--now try some fresh, cool living water--the Truth! Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Drink your fill. In a dry and thirsty lade, He is the only one to satisfy. He loves you. I'm sorry you don't know that. It breaks my heart.....and His! 1 Corinthians 2:9
In His love, a work in progress.
Jesus came to give us peace. He came to show us how to have peace. His word tells us that it is a fruit of the Spirit. It is something we must have on the inside. It comes through intimacy and quietness inside. Peace is a gift. He not only gives us peace, He is the peace He gives! The peace must come from within,. It doesn't come through peace treaties or through what the world manufactures as peace. Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you., My peace I leave with you. Not as the world gives, give I unto you."
There is only one peace that will last. The peace that He gives, He emits from His Spirit to your spirit. That must be from within through loving relationship with our Savior. True intimacy. He said to fear not, "I am with you always. I will never leave you. I have overcome the world.
"My peace I give you." Yes, there is a lasting treaty signed in blood. Every drop spells the word LOVE. GRACE. A free gift. It is an everlasting treaty between God and man. Will you sign this treaty? Yes, He is real. He's really real! My first words to Him when I first met Him. He has proved Himself over and over.
His precious heart speaks. "How I have longed to gather you to me, and you would not." His name is Jesus.. His gift, free gift, is Love and Peace, and so much more.
In His love, a work in progress.
There is only one peace that will last. The peace that He gives, He emits from His Spirit to your spirit. That must be from within through loving relationship with our Savior. True intimacy. He said to fear not, "I am with you always. I will never leave you. I have overcome the world.
"My peace I give you." Yes, there is a lasting treaty signed in blood. Every drop spells the word LOVE. GRACE. A free gift. It is an everlasting treaty between God and man. Will you sign this treaty? Yes, He is real. He's really real! My first words to Him when I first met Him. He has proved Himself over and over.
His precious heart speaks. "How I have longed to gather you to me, and you would not." His name is Jesus.. His gift, free gift, is Love and Peace, and so much more.
In His love, a work in progress.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Tell me the story of Jesus. Tell of the cross where they nailed Him, writhing in anguish and pain. Tell of the grave where they laid Him. Tell how He liveth again. Love in story so tender, clearer than ever I see! Glory! Lord, may I always remember love paid the ransom for me. Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word, sweetest that ever was heard.
There is comfort only in one place as evil and tragedy unfold, when darkness seems so strong At the bottom of the cross! All who loved Him could not imagine what good could come out of this cruel, unmerciful death.
But He arose to walk the earth again. God brought about the greatest miracle the world has ever seen, and showed us that leaving this body is not the end, but the beginning. Great light shines bright in darkness. O Love of God, you walk the earth still in us. Let that be our comfort. Let us rejoice that we can know the intimacy of sharing in Your suffering as You share in ours. Let us know the comfort of Hebrews 13:5 and Psalms 91:1, John 17.
He giveth more Grace. His love has no limit. His grace has no measure., His power has no boundary known unto men; for out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again. God bless us everyone!
In His love, a work in progress.
There is comfort only in one place as evil and tragedy unfold, when darkness seems so strong At the bottom of the cross! All who loved Him could not imagine what good could come out of this cruel, unmerciful death.
But He arose to walk the earth again. God brought about the greatest miracle the world has ever seen, and showed us that leaving this body is not the end, but the beginning. Great light shines bright in darkness. O Love of God, you walk the earth still in us. Let that be our comfort. Let us rejoice that we can know the intimacy of sharing in Your suffering as You share in ours. Let us know the comfort of Hebrews 13:5 and Psalms 91:1, John 17.
He giveth more Grace. His love has no limit. His grace has no measure., His power has no boundary known unto men; for out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again. God bless us everyone!
In His love, a work in progress.
Can I be happy and blessed all the time? What would be your first thought if I said "Yes!"? Let's put it another way: Give praise in every circumstance. If I truly know God, if I really think He has my best good under His control, could I give Him thanks in all things?
If I looked at Eccleastes 11:5, and meditated on a child being formed in a mother's womb. How everything that child needs is there from the moment a man and woman come together. How that child grows in 9 months and is equipped for a lifetime. If I really see Him as my Creator from the womb, if I believe that He is the giver of life and He has that gift of life in His hand every step of the way, then to give praise and thanks is possible. Possible even to the point of death--even death on a cross.
It is possible to be happy and blessed all the time! Have I accomplished that yet? My mind has to be trained. I have to learn the path to obedience. All things are possible with God. Her created me. He knows what I am capable of in Him. I can do all things through Christ. He is in me, both to will and work for His good pleasure. He lives in me! Christ lives in me! Let your heart sing with His life in you. Take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
To be obedient is to discipline ourselves to take off the old and put on the new. It takes training our mind, our heart, our emotions to come into line with God's word.
The child in us has always been rebellious, but now we put away childish things and push on toward the goal. Step by step, little by little. We never stop growing and becoming. Age 75 and still growing and becoming . Saying NO to the rebellion in me, taking His hand and walking the way He planned for me. Oh, how He loves you and me! Amazing love. Set your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith from the womb to the grave.
Blessed - a work in progress. Deuteronomy 31:8
If I looked at Eccleastes 11:5, and meditated on a child being formed in a mother's womb. How everything that child needs is there from the moment a man and woman come together. How that child grows in 9 months and is equipped for a lifetime. If I really see Him as my Creator from the womb, if I believe that He is the giver of life and He has that gift of life in His hand every step of the way, then to give praise and thanks is possible. Possible even to the point of death--even death on a cross.
It is possible to be happy and blessed all the time! Have I accomplished that yet? My mind has to be trained. I have to learn the path to obedience. All things are possible with God. Her created me. He knows what I am capable of in Him. I can do all things through Christ. He is in me, both to will and work for His good pleasure. He lives in me! Christ lives in me! Let your heart sing with His life in you. Take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
To be obedient is to discipline ourselves to take off the old and put on the new. It takes training our mind, our heart, our emotions to come into line with God's word.
The child in us has always been rebellious, but now we put away childish things and push on toward the goal. Step by step, little by little. We never stop growing and becoming. Age 75 and still growing and becoming . Saying NO to the rebellion in me, taking His hand and walking the way He planned for me. Oh, how He loves you and me! Amazing love. Set your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith from the womb to the grave.
Blessed - a work in progress. Deuteronomy 31:8
Is that what we are? Boots on the ground? There is a chain of command in the heavenlies. Holy Spirit gives us the command of the Father. His will. We receive that command from the Holy Spirit. Pray that back to the Father and the Father acts on it. Jesus said that Father will give us anything we ask for. I ask, how in the world do I direct God's hand? Sometimes with known words and unknown words. The Spirit in our weakness intercedes for us with sighing too deep for words. The Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Galatians 5:25, 2 Timothy 1:7, Revelations 2:7, Jude 20-25, Jude 1-2
We work in accord with God's Spirit within us. The Spirit is the Lord. I am amazed to be a part of this inclusion into His realm. Understand? You've got to be kidding! But I know that I know, that I know. God will give what I need step by step. Keep in step with Him. What is impossible with man is possible with Him. What a ride! Lead on, Oh King Eternal! I love You. He needs boots on the ground. Will you enlist? Mark 9:23
He is in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Philippians 4:13.
In His love, a work in progress.
We work in accord with God's Spirit within us. The Spirit is the Lord. I am amazed to be a part of this inclusion into His realm. Understand? You've got to be kidding! But I know that I know, that I know. God will give what I need step by step. Keep in step with Him. What is impossible with man is possible with Him. What a ride! Lead on, Oh King Eternal! I love You. He needs boots on the ground. Will you enlist? Mark 9:23
He is in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Philippians 4:13.
In His love, a work in progress.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
You (Jesus) didn't miss out on a bit of life. You experienced it all. They called You a glutton and a wine bibber, thinking they had put you down. I can never forget the smile on your face as you experienced life. As you touched a leper, with a sweet smile on your face. You had touched life. As You wept, as You grieved, as You suffered rejection, as You were beaten, and as a woman loved you so much that she washed Your feet with her tears, and wiped them with her glory. You experienced life. As a woman took all she had and poured it over You to anoint You for your burial. You saw the love, not the mess. You experienced life. A simple meal of bread an d fish or a banquet, it was all the same to You.
You were experiencing life. The lilies, the birds, the vine and branches, the fruit, the cold, the heat, the thirst, the blood, the curses, the spitting, the light, the darkness, the tears, the joys, the sickness, the poor, the rich. Oh, how you loved life. You were the One who gave it.
When you looked at a hen with chicks and thought, "How I have longed to gather you to me and you would not." If a chick does not go to the hen in time of danger, it becomes lunch. He was experiencing life to the fullest and the fact that He had given us choice. An abundant life lived to the fullest. A gift to us. An example to us of abundant life, 24/7. I often wondered what abundant life was. Now I know. I smile at the discovery, but I know there will be tears and rejection because I have chosen with all my heart to follow Him 24/7, through this abundant life.
Isaiah 60:1 Proverbs 18:10 Isaiah 66:11
Abundant life: Hebrews 11:1, 2 Peter 1:2
In His Love, a work in progress
You were experiencing life. The lilies, the birds, the vine and branches, the fruit, the cold, the heat, the thirst, the blood, the curses, the spitting, the light, the darkness, the tears, the joys, the sickness, the poor, the rich. Oh, how you loved life. You were the One who gave it.
When you looked at a hen with chicks and thought, "How I have longed to gather you to me and you would not." If a chick does not go to the hen in time of danger, it becomes lunch. He was experiencing life to the fullest and the fact that He had given us choice. An abundant life lived to the fullest. A gift to us. An example to us of abundant life, 24/7. I often wondered what abundant life was. Now I know. I smile at the discovery, but I know there will be tears and rejection because I have chosen with all my heart to follow Him 24/7, through this abundant life.
Isaiah 60:1 Proverbs 18:10 Isaiah 66:11
Abundant life: Hebrews 11:1, 2 Peter 1:2
In His Love, a work in progress
Thursday, August 28, 2014
2 Corinthians 12:7-10. What is satan's "purpose" in tormenting us? Revelations 33:55: Under God's control.
Notice as you rad 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 how Paul's attitude changed from one of being down on himself for a weakness that he saw. One I believe he thought, based on his old teaching as a Jew, kept him from God and relationship with Him. By his own writings on grace, the old is gone, behold the new. God was reassuring him, that no matter what weakness he saw in himself, God had put it under Grace! So that rather than keep him from God, the weakness he saw in himself actually God had turned to a good thing, a blessing that allowed Christ's power to rest on him. God's grace, unmerited love, favor, acceptance, cleansing.
It seems the more we see and accept our weakness, the more we have God's grace illuminated to us. There is no place for the dreaded pride of self. There is no place for the anger, the bitterness, the judgement. I can now, as Paul did for Christ's sake, delight in weakness, in insults, hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. I can allow myself to take my rightful place before God. Who wouldn't be weak and embrace it before Our Lord and God?
He was crucified in weakness, yet He lived by God's power. He had accepted His weakness in Him and would now live by His power, not his own. When I am weak, then I am strong! There was no longer a need for the thorn in his flesh. It had done what it was there for. Satan had lost his power over Paul. Now Paul fully understood God's Grace. What rest and peace! He was loved and accepted just as he was. He had to learn and grow right before our eyes. Perfect love casts out fear. Paul had to learn that too. It was God's gift to us.
2 Timothy 1:7-21 2 Timothy 2:22
I surrender all!
In His Love, a work in progress
Notice as you rad 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 how Paul's attitude changed from one of being down on himself for a weakness that he saw. One I believe he thought, based on his old teaching as a Jew, kept him from God and relationship with Him. By his own writings on grace, the old is gone, behold the new. God was reassuring him, that no matter what weakness he saw in himself, God had put it under Grace! So that rather than keep him from God, the weakness he saw in himself actually God had turned to a good thing, a blessing that allowed Christ's power to rest on him. God's grace, unmerited love, favor, acceptance, cleansing.
It seems the more we see and accept our weakness, the more we have God's grace illuminated to us. There is no place for the dreaded pride of self. There is no place for the anger, the bitterness, the judgement. I can now, as Paul did for Christ's sake, delight in weakness, in insults, hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. I can allow myself to take my rightful place before God. Who wouldn't be weak and embrace it before Our Lord and God?
He was crucified in weakness, yet He lived by God's power. He had accepted His weakness in Him and would now live by His power, not his own. When I am weak, then I am strong! There was no longer a need for the thorn in his flesh. It had done what it was there for. Satan had lost his power over Paul. Now Paul fully understood God's Grace. What rest and peace! He was loved and accepted just as he was. He had to learn and grow right before our eyes. Perfect love casts out fear. Paul had to learn that too. It was God's gift to us.
2 Timothy 1:7-21 2 Timothy 2:22
I surrender all!
In His Love, a work in progress
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
John 17. How long I have desired to gather you to me and you would not.
Father, I want them to know what I know. Share the love and joy that we share. I want them to be with me. I want them to know you. Eternal life Jesus wept. Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do. Wipe the slate clean.
The life was not taken, it was given from a heart full of love. How can words ever express that love, that heart desire. Psalm 91:1 He wants us. He loves us. He has chosen us to be His children. He has set us on the same footing with His only begotten Son. We are so special--to be adopted is very special! Wanted. Accepted. Loved. Chosen with the same inheritance. Seated at the right hand of the Father.
Have you put on your righteousness today? I hope we all took off the old stuff and put it in the dumpster. Who would choose to put on the rags again? Donald Trump, you have nothing over on us! Glory to God in the Highest!
This truth is for everyone to take or to leave. His great love has given us the choice and explained precisely what the choices are.
Thank you, Lord, for your love that will not let us go. The naked heart of God! Hebrews 13:5
In His Love, a work in progress
Father, I want them to know what I know. Share the love and joy that we share. I want them to be with me. I want them to know you. Eternal life Jesus wept. Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do. Wipe the slate clean.
The life was not taken, it was given from a heart full of love. How can words ever express that love, that heart desire. Psalm 91:1 He wants us. He loves us. He has chosen us to be His children. He has set us on the same footing with His only begotten Son. We are so special--to be adopted is very special! Wanted. Accepted. Loved. Chosen with the same inheritance. Seated at the right hand of the Father.
Have you put on your righteousness today? I hope we all took off the old stuff and put it in the dumpster. Who would choose to put on the rags again? Donald Trump, you have nothing over on us! Glory to God in the Highest!
This truth is for everyone to take or to leave. His great love has given us the choice and explained precisely what the choices are.
Thank you, Lord, for your love that will not let us go. The naked heart of God! Hebrews 13:5
In His Love, a work in progress
Our hearts are all the same color! The heart may be hardened. I may have heart ache. You can love deeply from the heart. It can be refreshed in Christ. It may be purified. It can be set to work with all your heart. Let it be sincere. It may be encouraged. You can make music in your heart. You can lose heart or not. Be glad, and rejoice with all your heart. You can believe from your heart. Your heart can be troubled., It is with your heart you believe. God knows the heart. He knows when it is not right. The Great Physician goes to work. Heart surgery is called for. Circumcision of the heart.
You know the heart. That organ that is in the middle of your chest. That organ that is surrounded by ribs and muscle and tissue. We take it for granted until something goes wrong with it. When something is wrong, and it's not doing its job right, we can feel it even in our arms, head and legs, liver and kidney. Need I go on? It's trying to show us something through pain. We can no longer take it for granted. We hate even the thought of the pain, and if we don't pay attention to the pain deep in that secret place. Then the pain gets worse and we slowly die. God knows our hearts. The pain has purpose. We must not let our hearts become hardened.
We do everything we can to keep our physical hearts healthy. We take fish oil, we walk, run, etc. We eat lots of greens. There is a heart of man that God works from, and the meds He prescribes are a little different.
Let God fill your heart. Don't let your hearts be troubled. Let your desires line up with God's. Love with all your hearts. Let the Word be written on your hearts. Protect your heart. It's your lifeline to God. It affects all of the body. Don't wait until you have so much pain that there is no turning back. That's the place that God wants for His temple to live in you. Run to the Great Physician with your pain. Let it be a signal there is something wrong that only He can fix. Pain has a purpose. We all share it. This heart is within me. It's my heart. I have the key. Matthew 11:28
I choose to have a heart transplant. My mind also needs some work. Some renewing. Go for it! Lord, I love you and trust you with all my heart.
You know the heart. That organ that is in the middle of your chest. That organ that is surrounded by ribs and muscle and tissue. We take it for granted until something goes wrong with it. When something is wrong, and it's not doing its job right, we can feel it even in our arms, head and legs, liver and kidney. Need I go on? It's trying to show us something through pain. We can no longer take it for granted. We hate even the thought of the pain, and if we don't pay attention to the pain deep in that secret place. Then the pain gets worse and we slowly die. God knows our hearts. The pain has purpose. We must not let our hearts become hardened.
We do everything we can to keep our physical hearts healthy. We take fish oil, we walk, run, etc. We eat lots of greens. There is a heart of man that God works from, and the meds He prescribes are a little different.
Let God fill your heart. Don't let your hearts be troubled. Let your desires line up with God's. Love with all your hearts. Let the Word be written on your hearts. Protect your heart. It's your lifeline to God. It affects all of the body. Don't wait until you have so much pain that there is no turning back. That's the place that God wants for His temple to live in you. Run to the Great Physician with your pain. Let it be a signal there is something wrong that only He can fix. Pain has a purpose. We all share it. This heart is within me. It's my heart. I have the key. Matthew 11:28
I choose to have a heart transplant. My mind also needs some work. Some renewing. Go for it! Lord, I love you and trust you with all my heart.
John 17 Romans 5
Who of us in this world hasn't suffered? Congratulations. Join the crowd. Paul gives us a wonderful answer. But it takes work and dedication. It's like learning your ABC's all over again. My little 5-year-old great granddaughter just started kindergarten. What an exciting day, but also a little scary! She had to push off on her own, but she put on her best clothes, had her hair done like a movie star. She was ready! Mom and Dad had prepared her for this day. This first day counts a lot toward her attitude to learning-- the excitement of learning new things!
Jesus said for us to become as little children (Romans 5:3). Suffering produces perseverance. What if we decided at 5 years old that we didn't want to learn anymore? My little girl doesn't know that this day, this year, will be the easiest day in her learning adventure. When we were born again we started a whole new learning adventure.
"The old is gone, behold the new!" Kindergarten all over again! How do we greet it? With the excitement of a child going on a new adventure? With our new clothes on? The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, new shoes for my feet, and anointed with the shield of faith. I'm shining like a new penny! I look like a star! And I have someone to go with me--the Spirit! Wow! What a day!
But I started out with suffering, didn't I? (I never know where He's going to take me, I just write it down). Why does He put together suffering and a little 5-year-old starting school? Because He wants us to know that learning is life changing, and it's not always easy. He said the way is narrow and hard. He never lies to us.
Listen to what Paul wrote in Romans, all through Romans. This man never stopped learning, and he passed it on to us. He went through suffering that hopefully we won't have to go through, but if and when we do, we can have HOPE. He turned every bit of suffering into a positive. Did he feel the pain? You bet! Do you feel the pain? You bet! In John 17, He said to the Father, "I don't ask that you take them out of the world, but keep them from the evil one."
Listen to Paul in Romans 5....and we rejoice in the hope of the Glory of God! What was he looking at? Where was his hope? What gave him hope for tomorrow? Not only so, but we also rejoice in our suffering. Why rejoice in sufferings? Remember negative into positive! Why? Because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out His love into our hears by His Holy Spirit, which He has given us. Christ died for us! Can we learn something from a 5-year-old kindergartener? And, yes, she has suffered already. And yes, she is a little spunky character. God bless her!
Bless God. He has a plan not to harm us, but to give us a hope and future. He's turned the curse into blessing. The negative into positive. Hate into love! Anger into forgiveness. Love, joy. It takes taking off the old and putting on the new! Learning to dress ourselves. I see a glimmer of light and hope. A rainbow! Peace and joy in the midst of our suffering.
Become as a little child. Love learning. Don't expect it to be easy. What we learn becomes our life!
In His Love, a work in progress
Who of us in this world hasn't suffered? Congratulations. Join the crowd. Paul gives us a wonderful answer. But it takes work and dedication. It's like learning your ABC's all over again. My little 5-year-old great granddaughter just started kindergarten. What an exciting day, but also a little scary! She had to push off on her own, but she put on her best clothes, had her hair done like a movie star. She was ready! Mom and Dad had prepared her for this day. This first day counts a lot toward her attitude to learning-- the excitement of learning new things!
Jesus said for us to become as little children (Romans 5:3). Suffering produces perseverance. What if we decided at 5 years old that we didn't want to learn anymore? My little girl doesn't know that this day, this year, will be the easiest day in her learning adventure. When we were born again we started a whole new learning adventure.
"The old is gone, behold the new!" Kindergarten all over again! How do we greet it? With the excitement of a child going on a new adventure? With our new clothes on? The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, new shoes for my feet, and anointed with the shield of faith. I'm shining like a new penny! I look like a star! And I have someone to go with me--the Spirit! Wow! What a day!
But I started out with suffering, didn't I? (I never know where He's going to take me, I just write it down). Why does He put together suffering and a little 5-year-old starting school? Because He wants us to know that learning is life changing, and it's not always easy. He said the way is narrow and hard. He never lies to us.
Listen to what Paul wrote in Romans, all through Romans. This man never stopped learning, and he passed it on to us. He went through suffering that hopefully we won't have to go through, but if and when we do, we can have HOPE. He turned every bit of suffering into a positive. Did he feel the pain? You bet! Do you feel the pain? You bet! In John 17, He said to the Father, "I don't ask that you take them out of the world, but keep them from the evil one."
Listen to Paul in Romans 5....and we rejoice in the hope of the Glory of God! What was he looking at? Where was his hope? What gave him hope for tomorrow? Not only so, but we also rejoice in our suffering. Why rejoice in sufferings? Remember negative into positive! Why? Because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out His love into our hears by His Holy Spirit, which He has given us. Christ died for us! Can we learn something from a 5-year-old kindergartener? And, yes, she has suffered already. And yes, she is a little spunky character. God bless her!
Bless God. He has a plan not to harm us, but to give us a hope and future. He's turned the curse into blessing. The negative into positive. Hate into love! Anger into forgiveness. Love, joy. It takes taking off the old and putting on the new! Learning to dress ourselves. I see a glimmer of light and hope. A rainbow! Peace and joy in the midst of our suffering.
Become as a little child. Love learning. Don't expect it to be easy. What we learn becomes our life!
In His Love, a work in progress
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Wars and rumors of wars. Hatred. Darkness. The Cross! Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do. His last words to us. In His darkest moment, He gave us light to live by. They lashed Him until His flesh hung in strips. They spit on Him. They abused Him. They dragged Him bleeding through the streets to be mocked. They nailed Him to a cross, and He looked at us and said with His last breath, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do!"
He knew that He could have called down an army of angels and wiped them all out. But He also knew that to return hate for hate and violence for violence only fed the darkness. More hate, more violence, more hurt, more death. Pass it on to our children. Why not give our children light, love, forgiveness to feed on? Jesus cried from a hill, "How long I have desired to gather you to me, and you would not!"
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son that whosoever believes in Him would have eternal life. Life is this: To know Him who is love! If we would saturate ourselves with that knowledge, then maybe in times of loss, instead of lashing out, we could say along with Him, "forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." and it would set us free from darkness as well as the perpetrator. We could try to love as He has loved us.
We who have His Spirit could try. Maybe we won't do it perfectly, but a little may go a long way. Feel His heart. Lord, reach deep within us and set us free from any darkness that we may be coming from. Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our heart and mind be pleasing to you,. Only You make this possible. Jesus is Lord!
Psalm 100:3 Psalm 55:22
Stop expecting it to be easy. He said the road was narrow and hard. Who knew better than Jesus?
In His Love, a work in progress
He knew that He could have called down an army of angels and wiped them all out. But He also knew that to return hate for hate and violence for violence only fed the darkness. More hate, more violence, more hurt, more death. Pass it on to our children. Why not give our children light, love, forgiveness to feed on? Jesus cried from a hill, "How long I have desired to gather you to me, and you would not!"
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son that whosoever believes in Him would have eternal life. Life is this: To know Him who is love! If we would saturate ourselves with that knowledge, then maybe in times of loss, instead of lashing out, we could say along with Him, "forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." and it would set us free from darkness as well as the perpetrator. We could try to love as He has loved us.
We who have His Spirit could try. Maybe we won't do it perfectly, but a little may go a long way. Feel His heart. Lord, reach deep within us and set us free from any darkness that we may be coming from. Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our heart and mind be pleasing to you,. Only You make this possible. Jesus is Lord!
Psalm 100:3 Psalm 55:22
Stop expecting it to be easy. He said the road was narrow and hard. Who knew better than Jesus?
In His Love, a work in progress
John 3:16. The whole world is in deep depression, and yet it keeps on laughing! That's what God calls sin. I wish I could paint a picture of You holding Your arms out to the world. I guess that's what the cross is. God holding His arms out to a hurting world that thinks this is the way it's supposed to be.
The worst of the worst
The best of the best
What do you choose to see in the cross? Love or hate? They are both there. But love overcomes the world!
In His Love, a work in progress
The worst of the worst
The best of the best
What do you choose to see in the cross? Love or hate? They are both there. But love overcomes the world!
In His Love, a work in progress
"I am the light of the world"- Jesus. The more you are in the light, the more you will be aware of the darkness that surrounds you. Light exposes darkness. Good exposes evil. Be consumed by the light. Stand in the light. Jesus said that He is the light of the world. He also said that we are the light of the world. We don't have to go any farther than ourselves to find that light. When I am in the dark, I am blind. I can't see. God said in Genesis "Let there be light and there was light."
Darkness had covered the surface of the deep. The earth was empty and formless. God separated light from darkness. When light is introduced, the darkness fades. If darkness remains, there is no life. It's as simple as that. What do we do to dispel darkness? What did God do? What did Jesus do? He spoke!
"I am" the light of the world. Now He still speaks! Through us. We are the light of the world. Even a little light can show us the way. Speak every day, "let there be light. I am the light of the world." If we don't bring light into the world, how can we blame others for choosing darkness? When it's all they have to refer to. If you live in darkness long enough, how do you know what the word "light" even means? There is no frame of reference until you experience light.
Knowing who you are may be painful: Luke 8:16 2 Samuel 22:29 Psalm 18:28, 27:1, 36:9, 76:4, 89:15, 119:105; Matthew 5:14-16; Matthew 6:22-23
Praise God for the Light of the world. He has not only given light, He is the light. He reveals to us what this world is supposed to be again. When He comes again, Light, Love, Joy, Peace, Faithfulness, Goodness. We are the runners, the foretaste of glory. Live in the light, as He is in the light!
What hope He is! Faith, hope, love, and the greatest of these is love. God is love. Pray for our enemies. Live in the light you have. "Fear not. I will go before you and in you. You are not alone." Psalm 73:26
In His Love, a work in progress
Darkness had covered the surface of the deep. The earth was empty and formless. God separated light from darkness. When light is introduced, the darkness fades. If darkness remains, there is no life. It's as simple as that. What do we do to dispel darkness? What did God do? What did Jesus do? He spoke!
"I am" the light of the world. Now He still speaks! Through us. We are the light of the world. Even a little light can show us the way. Speak every day, "let there be light. I am the light of the world." If we don't bring light into the world, how can we blame others for choosing darkness? When it's all they have to refer to. If you live in darkness long enough, how do you know what the word "light" even means? There is no frame of reference until you experience light.
Knowing who you are may be painful: Luke 8:16 2 Samuel 22:29 Psalm 18:28, 27:1, 36:9, 76:4, 89:15, 119:105; Matthew 5:14-16; Matthew 6:22-23
Praise God for the Light of the world. He has not only given light, He is the light. He reveals to us what this world is supposed to be again. When He comes again, Light, Love, Joy, Peace, Faithfulness, Goodness. We are the runners, the foretaste of glory. Live in the light, as He is in the light!
What hope He is! Faith, hope, love, and the greatest of these is love. God is love. Pray for our enemies. Live in the light you have. "Fear not. I will go before you and in you. You are not alone." Psalm 73:26
In His Love, a work in progress
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Revelation 22:20. Hope. Faith is being certain of what we hope for. Hebrews 10:23. We hold unswerving onto this hope. Hebrews 6:19. We have this hope as an anchor. A sure and steady faithj. It can't be changed by wars or rumors of wars, earthquakes, evil.
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. On Christ, the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found; dressed in His righteousness alone. Faultless to stand before the throne,. On Christ the solid rock I stand.
His timing is perfect! When He says "I am coming soon," remember 1 Corinthians 2:9--no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind imagines what God has prepared for those who love Him.
Jeremiah 29:11. "I know the plans I have for you. Plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" says the Lord. Jesus is Lord! "Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
In His Love, a work in progress
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. On Christ, the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found; dressed in His righteousness alone. Faultless to stand before the throne,. On Christ the solid rock I stand.
His timing is perfect! When He says "I am coming soon," remember 1 Corinthians 2:9--no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind imagines what God has prepared for those who love Him.
Jeremiah 29:11. "I know the plans I have for you. Plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" says the Lord. Jesus is Lord! "Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
In His Love, a work in progress
Don't try to escape life. Embrace it! Jesus says, "I am the way, truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Accept life and all it offers you! Life is not something you float through. Life is something to embrace. Yes, every part of it. Jesus says "Fear not, I am with you always." Look at His life! Don't sit still in your cloudy oblivion.
Isaiah 40:31 says that those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. At least start out on a walk. You have so much to give and receive. You have given control of your life, a beautiful gift, to a feeling that robs you and destroys, to a feeling that doesn't last. You are a slave to everything and nothing. Give life a chance! Jesus loves you!
In His Love, a work in progress.
Isaiah 40:31 says that those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. At least start out on a walk. You have so much to give and receive. You have given control of your life, a beautiful gift, to a feeling that robs you and destroys, to a feeling that doesn't last. You are a slave to everything and nothing. Give life a chance! Jesus loves you!
In His Love, a work in progress.
Prayer in the name of Jesus. If I don't know You, I can't pray in Your name. To pray in Your name, I must know Your heart, your mind, your desires. I must love You and desire what You desire, even if it conflicts with what I desire. This name is above ALL names. I must know Him so well that the Father sees me as one, inseparable from Him. Righteous, created in His image. I must look like Him, speak like Him, love what He loves, and hate what He hates. Embrace the knowing. He fills in the gaps.
I come as though I have no name. Only that name that is above all names!
In His Love, a work in progress.
I come as though I have no name. Only that name that is above all names!
In His Love, a work in progress.
John 17:1. "Do this for me because its the only way I can do it for You! Glorify, exalt, honor, and magnify your Son." If the Son needs to ask this of the Father, how much more do I need to ask it. It was Jesus' life purpose. It must be mine. There is no higher, greater purpose to life. His prayer for me must be my prayer for me! Eternal life! To know God! Not just know about Him, but to know Him!
We put our all into trying to learn a trade. How much more should we put into knowing Him. This is what true life is. John 17:3 (Amp). To know, perceive, recognize, become acquainted with and understand. "You" the only one true God, and Jesus, restore us to that personal intimacy we had with you in the Garden of Eden. I believe it will be even more consummated. As a bride and groom wait for that day when they will consummate their relationship, we wait till that perfect day. We can dream and imagine that day, but nothing compares to the reality of it.
Unity, oneness, joy, created in His image. On one can come to the Son unless the Father draws him. He wants you and me! If you have seen the Son, you have seen the Father. We belong to the Father., Since before the world began, our names have been written in the book of life. What heart desire runs through John 17. We see the oneness and share in the oneness between Father and Son. Such desire for us! He gave His life! It was worth it to Him that we could know and share in the unity, the love, oneness, joy that He and the Father shared. He had the treasure of the universe, and all He wanted to do was to make us a part of it. He shared this with words that will echo through all eternity, and that's what evil would snuff out with all its clatter and gunfire, murder and mayhem.
He says, "Be still and know I am God!" There's that word again: KNOW. Make love your aim. God is love! John 17:26.
A fortaste of Glory divine. Now we see in a clouded mirror; then face to face. Glory in God we trust.
In His Love, a work in progress
My first words to you, Lord: "You're real! You're really real!" I knew you even though You didn't say a word. I said to Bud, "Jesus and God are not in my vocabulary, but I know Him! You birthed me, you held me, You fed me, You are my life. You are my reality. You are the intimacy. The knowing I've always needed and wanted with people. John 17. I was made for You. You created me for Yourself. Knowing! Intimacy is progressive. If it is just physical, it is so superficial. We settle for so little. To know even as we are known. 1 Corinthians 13:14.
Isn't it amazing that this world doesn't want love. It actually hates love. It kills love, or at least tries.
1 Corinthians 14:1. Make love your aim. Everyone needs love. Love is a mystery. People would rather kill, maim and destroy--a description of the devil's fruit. Open the world's eyes to see who the real enemy of men's souls is. We don't fight against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of darkness in the heavenlies. We fight by putting on the full armor that God has provided. Jesus. Ephesians 6.
Salvation, Righteousness, truth, the gospel, the Spirit. How do we use the sword of the Spirit? Be strong in the Lord, in the strength of His might. With the armor, you can stand against the wiles of the devil. The powers, principalities, against world rulers of this present darkness against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.
We will know them by their fruit! And they will know us by our fruit. , the fruit of the Spirit we bare. Take up the shield of faith! The word of God, the sword, prayer. Keep alert, persevere. Proclaim the gospel boldly. God, give us utterance. Ephesians 6:23-24. Blessed by the name of the Lord! Psalm 91:1 John 17.
In His Love, a work in progress.
Isn't it amazing that this world doesn't want love. It actually hates love. It kills love, or at least tries.
1 Corinthians 14:1. Make love your aim. Everyone needs love. Love is a mystery. People would rather kill, maim and destroy--a description of the devil's fruit. Open the world's eyes to see who the real enemy of men's souls is. We don't fight against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of darkness in the heavenlies. We fight by putting on the full armor that God has provided. Jesus. Ephesians 6.
Salvation, Righteousness, truth, the gospel, the Spirit. How do we use the sword of the Spirit? Be strong in the Lord, in the strength of His might. With the armor, you can stand against the wiles of the devil. The powers, principalities, against world rulers of this present darkness against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.
We will know them by their fruit! And they will know us by our fruit. , the fruit of the Spirit we bare. Take up the shield of faith! The word of God, the sword, prayer. Keep alert, persevere. Proclaim the gospel boldly. God, give us utterance. Ephesians 6:23-24. Blessed by the name of the Lord! Psalm 91:1 John 17.
In His Love, a work in progress.
Psalm 25:10. Jerusalem is the holy place. There is one holy place on the earth. God has declared it. You don't see satan fighting to kill God's people in Rome. There is no war there. Of all the places on earth that God says He will return to, it is Jerusalem!
Israel! The Holy Land. His jewel! The apple of His eye. He is a ring of fire around her. The dome! He has vowed by Himself to return to her as King and Lord.
Help every Jew, every Christian to know we are not a democracy. We are a kingdom! The Kingdom of God. He is our hope and confidence! Praise be to our God forever!
In His Love, a work in progress
Israel! The Holy Land. His jewel! The apple of His eye. He is a ring of fire around her. The dome! He has vowed by Himself to return to her as King and Lord.
Help every Jew, every Christian to know we are not a democracy. We are a kingdom! The Kingdom of God. He is our hope and confidence! Praise be to our God forever!
In His Love, a work in progress
We live in a glorious time! God is so fulfilling His Word. What a glorious time to be alive, to have our eyes open to see the glory and faithfulness of God toward His people.
God hates evil. The fear of the Lord hates evil. This Iron Dome over Israel is not man made. God is being that wall of fire around Israel. If you belong to the Lord, His perfect Love has cast out fear, but if you do not belong to Him, you have no protection against the evil that so permeates the world.
Jesus wept over Israel. "How often I have longed to gather you to Me, and you would not." Now, He weeps over the world! The time is growing short. We are living in the fulfillment. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Dive under His protective dome, where nothing that comes against you can prosper.
Jesus, our Lord and redeemer, our King, our Helper in times of trouble, is still Lord of all! God be praised. "Fear not, I am with you always." Mark 9:23.
When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory!
In His Love, a work in progress
God hates evil. The fear of the Lord hates evil. This Iron Dome over Israel is not man made. God is being that wall of fire around Israel. If you belong to the Lord, His perfect Love has cast out fear, but if you do not belong to Him, you have no protection against the evil that so permeates the world.
Jesus wept over Israel. "How often I have longed to gather you to Me, and you would not." Now, He weeps over the world! The time is growing short. We are living in the fulfillment. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Dive under His protective dome, where nothing that comes against you can prosper.
Jesus, our Lord and redeemer, our King, our Helper in times of trouble, is still Lord of all! God be praised. "Fear not, I am with you always." Mark 9:23.
When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory!
In His Love, a work in progress
God promised all through history to be a wall around Israel. Zach. 2. He Himself would be that wall. If man knew history, and God's promises to Israel, then the world would understand the war that is taking place today.
Israel is not perfect, but God is, and He has chosen to bless who He will bless, and nothing that comes against her can prosper. If you belong to God, then expect Him to be a mighty force in your behalf. He says, "I myself will be a wall of fire around it. I will be its glory within."
Whoever touches her, touches the apple of His eye. He will surely raise His hand against them. Then we will know that He is the Lord!
Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because He has roused Himself from His Holy dwelling. The Lord rebuke you, satan, the enemy of the Lord. The Lord has chosen Jerusalem! Please read Zechariah.
Bless the Lord, O my soul! Open our eyes to see the mighty work of the Lord!
In His Love, a work in progress.
Israel is not perfect, but God is, and He has chosen to bless who He will bless, and nothing that comes against her can prosper. If you belong to God, then expect Him to be a mighty force in your behalf. He says, "I myself will be a wall of fire around it. I will be its glory within."
Whoever touches her, touches the apple of His eye. He will surely raise His hand against them. Then we will know that He is the Lord!
Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because He has roused Himself from His Holy dwelling. The Lord rebuke you, satan, the enemy of the Lord. The Lord has chosen Jerusalem! Please read Zechariah.
Bless the Lord, O my soul! Open our eyes to see the mighty work of the Lord!
In His Love, a work in progress.
He will keep in perfect peace he whose mind is staid on Him! He is Lord. There is a great battle going on for the earth. Jesus says, "Do not fear, I have overcome... Don't be swayed by what you see or hear. Jesus is Lord of all. Be established in this. It is easy to remember." He knows the beginning from the end. It's actually like a movie. Suspenseful. A beginning, a middle, and an ending. We are major players. God has written the script. It's all 3-D. The hero is written in all through the script. He looms bigger and bigger. It's bigger than any script ever written by man.
Even when it looks like our hero can't win: There He is, bigger than life and He takes us all with Him. What a blessing to see this script unfolding, to be a part of it. We may have bit parts or huge parts, but those parts are all important to the whole story.
We have been written in with a purpose. Jer. 29:11. "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." In these days, we need to cling to this hope. TV news sure doesn't give us hope, and that's what all people need. Hope!
He is the God of hope. Bless the Lord all ye people!
In His Love, a work in progress.
Even when it looks like our hero can't win: There He is, bigger than life and He takes us all with Him. What a blessing to see this script unfolding, to be a part of it. We may have bit parts or huge parts, but those parts are all important to the whole story.
We have been written in with a purpose. Jer. 29:11. "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." In these days, we need to cling to this hope. TV news sure doesn't give us hope, and that's what all people need. Hope!
He is the God of hope. Bless the Lord all ye people!
In His Love, a work in progress.
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