How can I make a difference, Lord? "Write what I tell you."
There is nothing new under the sun. What man has done, he will do again. Genesis - Revelation. I bring hope. Man compares himself to man to discover good and evil. He will never discover true goodness this way.
Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and perfecter of your faith. He had to come to make all things new. Not just your thoughts, but your whole being. You have a sign that says, "Change your thoughts and you change your life." That is only partially true. I came to give new life to everyone who would believe. True life comes out of death. I am that new life. The old way is gone. I see it and I want you to see it. From Genesis to Revelation.
I am the way. You are a part of the new way. We are one. Be yoked with Me. Walk alongside of me. You know it! Every fiber of your being is changed. Ever since you first recognized Me, your whole being has changed. See it! Know it! Hebrews 11:1 says faith is believing in what you can't see. Being sure of it. Like the air you breathe, you don't have to see it, but all the days of your life it has been there. All you have had to do is breathe. You can tell when it's bad, and you seek fresh new air. Seek Me, breathe Me in. I will not fail you. I am the One who has given you life from your first breath. That first squeal that took in air. I have given you the life you take for granted.
Will you believe me when I say, "I have a plan. Not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future"? A plan that started in Genesis and goes through Revelation. I know it seems to take a long time and there are many bumps along the way, but will you trust My plan for good? New life even if evil seems to loom huge all around you? Will you trust Me? Will you offer your faith to Me as a gift? There is a big picture--far beyond what you can see in your limited life span. But in that life span, you have learned of Me. My ways. The life I give is not hopeless, if you will believe it is full of hope. Receive hope, the gift I give you.
Seleh Isa 65:17, 66:22, 43:19, 55:1, 24:23, 60:1, 19, 11:1,10, 55:1
Ezek. 37:27, 40:2. Zech 14:21 Genesis 2:9, 3:22,24 Rev. 21-22
The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints. Those set apart for God. Exclusively His.
Amen. Ps. 100:5
In His Love, a work in progress
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