Wednesday, September 10, 2014


   You (Jesus) didn't miss out on a bit of life.  You experienced it all.  They called You a glutton and a wine bibber, thinking they had put you down.  I can never forget the smile on your face as you experienced life.  As you touched a leper, with a sweet smile on your face.  You had touched life.  As You wept, as You grieved, as You suffered rejection, as You were beaten, and as a woman loved you so much that she washed Your feet with her tears, and wiped them with her glory.  You experienced life.  As a woman took all she had and poured it over You to anoint You for your burial.  You saw the love, not the mess.  You experienced life.  A simple meal of bread an d fish or a banquet, it was all the same to You.
    You were experiencing life.  The lilies, the birds, the vine and branches, the fruit, the cold, the heat, the thirst, the blood, the curses, the spitting, the light, the darkness, the tears, the joys, the sickness, the poor, the rich.  Oh, how you loved life.  You were the One who gave it.
     When you looked at a hen with chicks and thought, "How I have longed to gather you to me and you would not."  If a chick does not go to the hen in time of danger, it becomes lunch.  He was experiencing life to the fullest and the fact that He had given us choice.  An abundant life lived to the fullest.  A gift to us.  An example to us of abundant life, 24/7.  I often wondered what abundant life was.  Now I know.  I smile at the discovery, but I know there will be tears and rejection because I have chosen with all my heart to follow Him 24/7, through this abundant life.
     Isaiah 60:1    Proverbs 18:10    Isaiah 66:11
    Abundant life:  Hebrews 11:1,  2 Peter 1:2

 In His Love, a work in progress

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