How long does it take to put a wedding together. How long to make the dress? God is preparing the wedding. He is having the dress made by Oscar De La Renta. The most elegant dress Oscar has ever made. This is a celebration that will never end. It'll never have to worry about enough wine. All has been prepared since the beginning to the end. Dancing, singing, praising that will never end. Love, Joy, Peace that will never end. Sounds too good to be true? Only to our limited minds.
It's in our hearts to desire it. God put it in our hearts. It's what we live for. God has a plan--not to harm us but to give us a hope and a future. Is the bride excited? The groom can't take his eyes off this vision of loveliness. He has waited so long. She is so beautiful. Love is more delightful than wine.
My beloved is mine, and I am His. Crazy - romantic woman? Read Song of Solomon. David wrote it. There was nothing in all the world that blessed that man like the love of God. Romantic? Join the club.
Love is stronger than death. Why do you think the evil ones want to destroy love? God is Love! Talk about romantic. Our God started romance. He courts us, draws us to Himself.
Come to the wedding. In the meantime, praise our romantic God! Psalm 144-150 Psalm 4:7 Mark 9:23
In His Love, a work in progress.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Delightful, quiet,k present, not demanding, desire for closeness, oneness. Touch,. warmth. He will draw me through love, but I must be still and know that "I am God revealed." In stillness He draws me to Himself.
He reveals Himself. There is NO condemnation. I will never know that from Him. Jesus took it all. The more I know Him, the more I love Him, and am in awe of Him!
This is truly a new day. A new life. Thank you, Lord!
In His love, a work in progress
He reveals Himself. There is NO condemnation. I will never know that from Him. Jesus took it all. The more I know Him, the more I love Him, and am in awe of Him!
This is truly a new day. A new life. Thank you, Lord!
In His love, a work in progress
I got up this morning enjoying myself. My daughter has all my old photos. She and my grandchildren were stunned on how pretty I was. And to tell the truth, I've grieved over the losses that aging brings. But this morning I got up and said, would I exchange who I am now for who I was then? Would I exchange the beauty that God is creating in me now for the external beauty? I would NOT!
When I take a good look at the woman I used to be, and the woman I am now, I can only be grateful for what God has done in me. I will be grateful all my life, and you will be recipients of what He has done. I can't praise Him enough. The old is gone, the new is here. I can actually see it. I love the new me!
The word says if a husband doesn't love himself, he can't love his wife. That goes for the rest of us too. What a gift, what a blessing! I am still a work in progress, and am anxious to see all the new changes in me. It's real. It's exciting and the best is still to come! A new day dawning!
What an amazing Savior! Amazing love, amazing grace! I see a little face looking through the window of a candy store, but not having the money to come in. Come in, child, the door is open an d it's all free!
IT'S CALLED GRACE! For God so loved the world.... Philippians 3.
In His Love, a work in progress
When I take a good look at the woman I used to be, and the woman I am now, I can only be grateful for what God has done in me. I will be grateful all my life, and you will be recipients of what He has done. I can't praise Him enough. The old is gone, the new is here. I can actually see it. I love the new me!
The word says if a husband doesn't love himself, he can't love his wife. That goes for the rest of us too. What a gift, what a blessing! I am still a work in progress, and am anxious to see all the new changes in me. It's real. It's exciting and the best is still to come! A new day dawning!
What an amazing Savior! Amazing love, amazing grace! I see a little face looking through the window of a candy store, but not having the money to come in. Come in, child, the door is open an d it's all free!
IT'S CALLED GRACE! For God so loved the world.... Philippians 3.
In His Love, a work in progress
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Psalm 118. Live as though you were already there. New life. New world. Become as a little child. Love, imagination, trust, dependence, confidence, acceptance, wonder. When did it change? When did we start to take all the burdens of the world on our shoulders? Is that what we call maturity? Growing up?
Jesus said, "Lay your burdens down." There is such a thing as responsibility, but haven't we turned it in to slavery to a world that will be replaced. Our responsibility is to once again return to trust, peace, joy, patience, goodness and love.
I've been taught to distrust (put your trust in God), to cheat, to lie. Lets try to think as God thinks, speak as He speaks, to love, to trust again, and to become as little children--to rest in our Great Father's arms. It's called faith, in Hebrews 11. The burden is too great for a child. Let freedom ring in our hearts. Father is still good. He must be true to Himself. I am a child of God.
Help us, Lord, to give it all to you. Abba, Daddy, Father. Luke 4:18, Exodus 15:26, 1 John 2-3.
In His love, always a work in progress
Jesus said, "Lay your burdens down." There is such a thing as responsibility, but haven't we turned it in to slavery to a world that will be replaced. Our responsibility is to once again return to trust, peace, joy, patience, goodness and love.
I've been taught to distrust (put your trust in God), to cheat, to lie. Lets try to think as God thinks, speak as He speaks, to love, to trust again, and to become as little children--to rest in our Great Father's arms. It's called faith, in Hebrews 11. The burden is too great for a child. Let freedom ring in our hearts. Father is still good. He must be true to Himself. I am a child of God.
Help us, Lord, to give it all to you. Abba, Daddy, Father. Luke 4:18, Exodus 15:26, 1 John 2-3.
In His love, always a work in progress
Have you ever been in a flash flood? The water is filthy. It's full of creatures and debris. There is clean water and filthy water. 2 Peter 2. Look at the water Jesus promises: John 4:10, 7:38; Ephesians 5:26; Hebrews 10:22; Revelation 7:17, 21:6. Pure, clean water.
The flash flood is exactly that, a flood, and it is a force that sweeps away anything in its path. Have you heard of Noah's ark? Kids hear it in sunday school. It took Noah and family about 100 years to build it to God's specifications. It had ample room for everyone in town. They all had an invitation to come, but they mocked Noah--laughed at the idea that there would be an end of life the way they knew it. They laughed when they heard the promise to save them all. Still, the world mocks. One day, the door was closed and the invitations were no longer sent. The promise of a great flood would soon be fulfilled.
All aboard who's going aboard! God is calling. His heart of love has more than enough love for all. Remember the flash flood of dirty muddy water? It came!
Jesus is that ship sent just for us. Beautiful clean water to be washed clean in. His invitations still go out. Our 2,000 years and counting. What patience! Think on the word SAFE. I am the way, the truth and the life. Yes, the way is narrow and hard, but it is the safest place on earth. Love Jesus.
In His love, a work in progress
The flash flood is exactly that, a flood, and it is a force that sweeps away anything in its path. Have you heard of Noah's ark? Kids hear it in sunday school. It took Noah and family about 100 years to build it to God's specifications. It had ample room for everyone in town. They all had an invitation to come, but they mocked Noah--laughed at the idea that there would be an end of life the way they knew it. They laughed when they heard the promise to save them all. Still, the world mocks. One day, the door was closed and the invitations were no longer sent. The promise of a great flood would soon be fulfilled.
All aboard who's going aboard! God is calling. His heart of love has more than enough love for all. Remember the flash flood of dirty muddy water? It came!
Jesus is that ship sent just for us. Beautiful clean water to be washed clean in. His invitations still go out. Our 2,000 years and counting. What patience! Think on the word SAFE. I am the way, the truth and the life. Yes, the way is narrow and hard, but it is the safest place on earth. Love Jesus.
In His love, a work in progress
I never pictured God as a purple penguin! God said let us make man (and woman) in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over my creation, fish, birds, livestock, over all the earth, over all the creatures that move on the earth. So God created man (and woman) in His image.
Where does a purple penguin fit into this picture? Where do they rule over all the earth? When I look into the mirror, I don't see purple! I see red! What is this world trying to rob me of now? Rob our vulnerable children of? My identity! Created in God's image. His child, created to rule. Penguins are a food source for big fish. Our children are NOT purple penguins. It may seem cute, but it is NOT!
It is gender robbery--like unisex bathrooms. I'll pee on the floor first! I am a female! The law has already robbed us of marriage between one man and one woman. It goes back to Genesis 1. Created in His image. Human man and woman to rule with Him!
The depth of it is to destroy all the word of God stands for. Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Purple penguins. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny. Who's laughing!
Thank you, Lord, for your word: the light to see by!
In His love, a work in progress
Where does a purple penguin fit into this picture? Where do they rule over all the earth? When I look into the mirror, I don't see purple! I see red! What is this world trying to rob me of now? Rob our vulnerable children of? My identity! Created in God's image. His child, created to rule. Penguins are a food source for big fish. Our children are NOT purple penguins. It may seem cute, but it is NOT!
It is gender robbery--like unisex bathrooms. I'll pee on the floor first! I am a female! The law has already robbed us of marriage between one man and one woman. It goes back to Genesis 1. Created in His image. Human man and woman to rule with Him!
The depth of it is to destroy all the word of God stands for. Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Purple penguins. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny. Who's laughing!
Thank you, Lord, for your word: the light to see by!
In His love, a work in progress
Monday, October 13, 2014
I can only discern evil by what You call evil, Lord. Those who hate You and will not turn from their wicked ways are under your wrath still. Everything serves You. All of nature serves You. I can hardly write about it. Isa. 13-24. Evil pride will be destroyed.
My God, You know man's heart. It's not a case of judging politically or emotionally. The case is, do we follow You, believe you, obey you? Make you our life and put ourselves under your protection? You are the King of all. We who choose you do not live under a democracy. I give all my rights to You, Who loves me.
I can only discern good my what You call good. Do I believe that is what you require of me? I have come from You and will return to You. This world is not my home. That's the problem. I've thought of it as my home. It's transient.
You will give us a new heaven and earth! This one we have destroyed with our disobedience and sin. Lust, hate, greed, lack of honor. Thank you for Jesus! There is no way we could make up for our willfulness. Your ways are not our ways. You have a plan--not to harm us, but give to us a hope and a future. Forgive, Father, for we know not what we do. Grace! Thank You for Grace!
In His love, a work in progress
My God, You know man's heart. It's not a case of judging politically or emotionally. The case is, do we follow You, believe you, obey you? Make you our life and put ourselves under your protection? You are the King of all. We who choose you do not live under a democracy. I give all my rights to You, Who loves me.
I can only discern good my what You call good. Do I believe that is what you require of me? I have come from You and will return to You. This world is not my home. That's the problem. I've thought of it as my home. It's transient.
You will give us a new heaven and earth! This one we have destroyed with our disobedience and sin. Lust, hate, greed, lack of honor. Thank you for Jesus! There is no way we could make up for our willfulness. Your ways are not our ways. You have a plan--not to harm us, but give to us a hope and a future. Forgive, Father, for we know not what we do. Grace! Thank You for Grace!
In His love, a work in progress
It seems I am going forward in the natural, but younger in the Spirit. Think of the child "in mothers"womb. Now think of yourself in Christ. I lived in warm water close to mother's heart for nine months. I lived. I grew from something so small it wasn't visible to the naked eye. Life enclosed, safe, warm, created in love and pleasure.
I am now as I receive Christ, put back in a womb-like place. I start out knowing very little about Him who have and sustains my life. What does the baby in the womb give the mother who carries the babe? I wonder, does the baby in her womb know the joy and love the baby gives just by being there? The baby rests, unknowingly fed from the mother's body. It does nothing to appease her, and yet she is appeased. Become as a little child, Jesus said. Trust me.
Everything is provided. Everything I need. The only work God requires of me is to believe. What a provocative meditation! Unending.
Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you, Father, that I was born....twice!
In His love, a work in progress
I am now as I receive Christ, put back in a womb-like place. I start out knowing very little about Him who have and sustains my life. What does the baby in the womb give the mother who carries the babe? I wonder, does the baby in her womb know the joy and love the baby gives just by being there? The baby rests, unknowingly fed from the mother's body. It does nothing to appease her, and yet she is appeased. Become as a little child, Jesus said. Trust me.
Everything is provided. Everything I need. The only work God requires of me is to believe. What a provocative meditation! Unending.
Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you, Father, that I was born....twice!
In His love, a work in progress
What used to hurt me has now become my joy. I share in His life. How rejected He was by those who professed to know the Father. I share in His suffering. I know and understand Him more through it. They even said He was of the devil! I no longer want to be accepted by those who don't want Him.
I just want this light that is in me to shine brighter. What a blessing He has given me. Whom He has set free is free indeed! Isa. 40:31. Those who have rejected me have unknowingly given me a precious gift from the Lord, LOVE. Romans 8:28
In His love, a work in progress
I just want this light that is in me to shine brighter. What a blessing He has given me. Whom He has set free is free indeed! Isa. 40:31. Those who have rejected me have unknowingly given me a precious gift from the Lord, LOVE. Romans 8:28
In His love, a work in progress
Thursday, October 9, 2014
God is for us all the way. Can I know Him? Yes! Can I understand everything He permits? No. But I can know the best part of Him: His heart! Where love, joy, blessings come from. As a baby is laying at his mother's breast feeling her heart beat, I lay close to my life source. I feel His heart beat, and nothing else matters.
Does the child know anything about his mother? Close to her heart, he knows everything will be OK. He knows it. He doesn't have to understand it all. He knows warmth, love, closeness, security. Every need is taken care of. He says, "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the Shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1). As the babe has only to cry out for its mother, so it is with Me and My Father."
When everything around me and in me is changing faster than I can process it, I need my Father! He has said, "I will never fail you. I will never abandon you." He also said, "Become as a little child, the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven." Well, it looks like I've come full circle. I am blessed. He knows just the right words to say at the right time. It's what He died to give us--the love and joy that He had with Father. Complete dependence on His love and protection. John 17. His Heart. It only takes closeness to hear it beat. Thank you. Three in One.
I am at peace, full, content at rest like a babe at the breast. As a babe gets hungry again, and cries out for more, I know I will get hungry for more, and He will feed me. I will feel His heart beat and feel satisfied and safe again.
Become as a little child. You may hear me gurgle and coo, "ABBA." Grace. Rev. 22:17 amp. Bible, Rev. 22:21. "Come, Lord Jesus!" Genesis 3:8
In His Love, a work in progress.
Does the child know anything about his mother? Close to her heart, he knows everything will be OK. He knows it. He doesn't have to understand it all. He knows warmth, love, closeness, security. Every need is taken care of. He says, "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the Shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1). As the babe has only to cry out for its mother, so it is with Me and My Father."
When everything around me and in me is changing faster than I can process it, I need my Father! He has said, "I will never fail you. I will never abandon you." He also said, "Become as a little child, the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven." Well, it looks like I've come full circle. I am blessed. He knows just the right words to say at the right time. It's what He died to give us--the love and joy that He had with Father. Complete dependence on His love and protection. John 17. His Heart. It only takes closeness to hear it beat. Thank you. Three in One.
I am at peace, full, content at rest like a babe at the breast. As a babe gets hungry again, and cries out for more, I know I will get hungry for more, and He will feed me. I will feel His heart beat and feel satisfied and safe again.
Become as a little child. You may hear me gurgle and coo, "ABBA." Grace. Rev. 22:17 amp. Bible, Rev. 22:21. "Come, Lord Jesus!" Genesis 3:8
In His Love, a work in progress.
You can have it all without giving it all! All the things you based your hope on. All the things that change and crumble. All the people who have died and lift you behind. All the fear. Oops! We forgot that didn't we? the big FEAR. Fear is the thing that won't let us live fully. Fear of loving, fear of giving, fear of hoping, fear--you name it. It's always been just around the corner. If I let to of fear, that means I have to put my trust in something else. Fear has kept me safe. Its kept me safe from pain and rejection , loss. Its kept me free from giving myself to anyone or anything. Fear has been with me all my life. It's been my companion,k protector. Now some one comes along and says, "Fear not! I am with you always." Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. Deut. 31:8.
Put your hand in the hand of the Man from Galilee. His favorite name for Himself was SON OF MAN. He relates to fear, but He didn't let it rule His life. So, here we are one with the Son of God and Son of Man, if we choose! The way, the truth, and the life. Matthew 11:28.
Come to Me. He says, been there, done that. The cross! Deut. 31:8 Genesis 3:8
In His love, a work in progress
Put your hand in the hand of the Man from Galilee. His favorite name for Himself was SON OF MAN. He relates to fear, but He didn't let it rule His life. So, here we are one with the Son of God and Son of Man, if we choose! The way, the truth, and the life. Matthew 11:28.
Come to Me. He says, been there, done that. The cross! Deut. 31:8 Genesis 3:8
In His love, a work in progress
What do we base our worth on? Everyone wants to know they are worth something. Is it beauty? Education? work? Money? Parents? Spouse? Religion? Select. Think on this. Think hard. Is this why we go from thing to thing, person to person, place to place, church to church, religion to religion, drugs? Is this why we're never satisfied with ourselves? Is this why we lose hope? Is this why we're depressed, and just want out? What do we blame for our misery? Our world, our government, our parents, our friends, spouse?
We may experience moments of happiness, but it too is fleeting. Our need is deeper than that. It's so deep we do everything we can to try to escape it. There is one way to escape--one door. One way, one truth, one life through Whom we can find our worth. Give your life over to Life Himself!
Listen, think on this: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." For God so loves us, you, me that He gave the most precious thing He had to give! He doesn't change like the wind. What was truth yesterday, is truth today and tomorrow. He said, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
Worth. You want worth, you want to know it every day, no matter what mistake you make. There is only one way to know your worth! Get your eyes off the world government, other people, what you can do or not do. His love never changes. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is what your worth is based on! God Himself!
You can't earn it. You can't deserve it. You can't buy it with all of your money, and best of all, you can't lose it. It's Grace, a free gift from God Himself! His name is Jesus. In Him, you'll find out what you are worth. Jeremiah 17:7 says, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence!
All to Jesus, I surrender, all to Him I freely give. I am blessed. The one work that pleases God is for us to believe. John 6:29.
In His love, a work in progress.
We may experience moments of happiness, but it too is fleeting. Our need is deeper than that. It's so deep we do everything we can to try to escape it. There is one way to escape--one door. One way, one truth, one life through Whom we can find our worth. Give your life over to Life Himself!
Listen, think on this: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." For God so loves us, you, me that He gave the most precious thing He had to give! He doesn't change like the wind. What was truth yesterday, is truth today and tomorrow. He said, "I will never leave you or forsake you."
Worth. You want worth, you want to know it every day, no matter what mistake you make. There is only one way to know your worth! Get your eyes off the world government, other people, what you can do or not do. His love never changes. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is what your worth is based on! God Himself!
You can't earn it. You can't deserve it. You can't buy it with all of your money, and best of all, you can't lose it. It's Grace, a free gift from God Himself! His name is Jesus. In Him, you'll find out what you are worth. Jeremiah 17:7 says, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence!
All to Jesus, I surrender, all to Him I freely give. I am blessed. The one work that pleases God is for us to believe. John 6:29.
In His love, a work in progress.
Monday, October 6, 2014
I'm having a hard time this morning. I can't seem to connect with the Spirit. Whether it be His Spirit or mine. He tells me "It's all right. Be still and know that He is God."
There is so much going on: Ebole, war, uncertainty everywhere. I'm sure I can't do anything about most of it. He has a plan. Each of us is in His hand. It's only when I get anxious or fearful that I have a hard time connecting with the Precious One who is the answer. Then He is there with the answer! "Be still and know that I am God." "Let Me have it."
But what if it doesn't go the way I want it to go? "Let Me have it." What did Jesus say? "No branch can bear fruit on its own. It must remain in the vine. Apart from Me you can do nothing. Even I could do nothing on my own, but only what I saw Father doing, and heard what He said." No branch is greater than the vine. We will do this together or not at all!
Help us all to be still and know you are God. Help us to work for peace, beginning with ourselves. Thank you, My Friend!
In His Love, a work in progress
There is so much going on: Ebole, war, uncertainty everywhere. I'm sure I can't do anything about most of it. He has a plan. Each of us is in His hand. It's only when I get anxious or fearful that I have a hard time connecting with the Precious One who is the answer. Then He is there with the answer! "Be still and know that I am God." "Let Me have it."
But what if it doesn't go the way I want it to go? "Let Me have it." What did Jesus say? "No branch can bear fruit on its own. It must remain in the vine. Apart from Me you can do nothing. Even I could do nothing on my own, but only what I saw Father doing, and heard what He said." No branch is greater than the vine. We will do this together or not at all!
Help us all to be still and know you are God. Help us to work for peace, beginning with ourselves. Thank you, My Friend!
In His Love, a work in progress
She saw the potential for good even in those who beat her. She was taken into slavery as a young child by slave traders. In the end, she was offered love, safety, riches, prestige, and she walked away from all worldly gain. Romans 8, Ephesians 1, Philippians 1:29; 34
It's funny that we are to forget the old--it's gone, but sometimes it's only by looking at our past, do we see how God has blessed us through it all. And through it all He has given us the opportunity to know Him. Bahkita said near the end of her journey that now she knew God was always with her.
Andre Crouch wrote a hymn: "Through It All." That proved true for Bahkita, and so many who have suffered. "Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus. I've learned to trust in God: Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His word.
I sit in His presence. This quiet place. I am in awe of how He can take all things and turn them for the good of those who love Him. Thank you, Blessed Trinity, and so many souls like Bahkita who love Him. When she saw Him on the cross, she related to Him because in her country (Africa) only slaves were hung on a cross. God bless.
In His Love, a work in progress
It's funny that we are to forget the old--it's gone, but sometimes it's only by looking at our past, do we see how God has blessed us through it all. And through it all He has given us the opportunity to know Him. Bahkita said near the end of her journey that now she knew God was always with her.
Andre Crouch wrote a hymn: "Through It All." That proved true for Bahkita, and so many who have suffered. "Through it all, through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus. I've learned to trust in God: Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His word.
I sit in His presence. This quiet place. I am in awe of how He can take all things and turn them for the good of those who love Him. Thank you, Blessed Trinity, and so many souls like Bahkita who love Him. When she saw Him on the cross, she related to Him because in her country (Africa) only slaves were hung on a cross. God bless.
In His Love, a work in progress
There is great potential in every person. There is a seed, but it needs proper soil and water to take hold. God created us in His image. Couldn't be any other way. Can we look at every person, yes, I said EVERY, and see the image of God? Some don't see that image.
The eye is the lamp of the body (Luke 11:34). So be careful what you focus on. We have a choice. Jesus said He was the light of the world. What beauty. We can actually pass on light and darkness to our children. We see that happening today. Lord, keep our eyes on You, to see the potential in all for Light vs darkness. There is so much good to see: JESUS = the way, the truth, and the life. Thank you, Lord!
In His Love, a work in progress
The eye is the lamp of the body (Luke 11:34). So be careful what you focus on. We have a choice. Jesus said He was the light of the world. What beauty. We can actually pass on light and darkness to our children. We see that happening today. Lord, keep our eyes on You, to see the potential in all for Light vs darkness. There is so much good to see: JESUS = the way, the truth, and the life. Thank you, Lord!
In His Love, a work in progress
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
How can I make a difference, Lord? "Write what I tell you."
There is nothing new under the sun. What man has done, he will do again. Genesis - Revelation. I bring hope. Man compares himself to man to discover good and evil. He will never discover true goodness this way.
Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and perfecter of your faith. He had to come to make all things new. Not just your thoughts, but your whole being. You have a sign that says, "Change your thoughts and you change your life." That is only partially true. I came to give new life to everyone who would believe. True life comes out of death. I am that new life. The old way is gone. I see it and I want you to see it. From Genesis to Revelation.
I am the way. You are a part of the new way. We are one. Be yoked with Me. Walk alongside of me. You know it! Every fiber of your being is changed. Ever since you first recognized Me, your whole being has changed. See it! Know it! Hebrews 11:1 says faith is believing in what you can't see. Being sure of it. Like the air you breathe, you don't have to see it, but all the days of your life it has been there. All you have had to do is breathe. You can tell when it's bad, and you seek fresh new air. Seek Me, breathe Me in. I will not fail you. I am the One who has given you life from your first breath. That first squeal that took in air. I have given you the life you take for granted.
Will you believe me when I say, "I have a plan. Not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future"? A plan that started in Genesis and goes through Revelation. I know it seems to take a long time and there are many bumps along the way, but will you trust My plan for good? New life even if evil seems to loom huge all around you? Will you trust Me? Will you offer your faith to Me as a gift? There is a big picture--far beyond what you can see in your limited life span. But in that life span, you have learned of Me. My ways. The life I give is not hopeless, if you will believe it is full of hope. Receive hope, the gift I give you.
Seleh Isa 65:17, 66:22, 43:19, 55:1, 24:23, 60:1, 19, 11:1,10, 55:1
Ezek. 37:27, 40:2. Zech 14:21 Genesis 2:9, 3:22,24 Rev. 21-22
The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints. Those set apart for God. Exclusively His.
Amen. Ps. 100:5
In His Love, a work in progress
There is nothing new under the sun. What man has done, he will do again. Genesis - Revelation. I bring hope. Man compares himself to man to discover good and evil. He will never discover true goodness this way.
Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the author and perfecter of your faith. He had to come to make all things new. Not just your thoughts, but your whole being. You have a sign that says, "Change your thoughts and you change your life." That is only partially true. I came to give new life to everyone who would believe. True life comes out of death. I am that new life. The old way is gone. I see it and I want you to see it. From Genesis to Revelation.
I am the way. You are a part of the new way. We are one. Be yoked with Me. Walk alongside of me. You know it! Every fiber of your being is changed. Ever since you first recognized Me, your whole being has changed. See it! Know it! Hebrews 11:1 says faith is believing in what you can't see. Being sure of it. Like the air you breathe, you don't have to see it, but all the days of your life it has been there. All you have had to do is breathe. You can tell when it's bad, and you seek fresh new air. Seek Me, breathe Me in. I will not fail you. I am the One who has given you life from your first breath. That first squeal that took in air. I have given you the life you take for granted.
Will you believe me when I say, "I have a plan. Not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future"? A plan that started in Genesis and goes through Revelation. I know it seems to take a long time and there are many bumps along the way, but will you trust My plan for good? New life even if evil seems to loom huge all around you? Will you trust Me? Will you offer your faith to Me as a gift? There is a big picture--far beyond what you can see in your limited life span. But in that life span, you have learned of Me. My ways. The life I give is not hopeless, if you will believe it is full of hope. Receive hope, the gift I give you.
Seleh Isa 65:17, 66:22, 43:19, 55:1, 24:23, 60:1, 19, 11:1,10, 55:1
Ezek. 37:27, 40:2. Zech 14:21 Genesis 2:9, 3:22,24 Rev. 21-22
The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints. Those set apart for God. Exclusively His.
Amen. Ps. 100:5
In His Love, a work in progress
Another man beheaded. He was a Frenchman who had gone to Algeria to do some mountain climbing. They took him to proclaim allegiance with ISIS. So it has begun. He was a tourist, a random choosing off the street. No matter what people say, this is a holy war, and it has just begun! The U.S. is a target. Israel is a target. It's the only thing that has united the nations.
I pray a wild prayer: That God unites the nations in Christ! Our only safe haven. There is no place to hide. "If you're not for Me, you're against me." Be on guard. Ephesians 6. The enemy comes as an angel of light. He may look like the light, but is a counterfeit.
Have you ever seen a counterfeit bill or painting? Only an expert would know it. One thing he won't come with is a sword to cut your throat, but make no mistake, he comes to kill, maim, and destroy the image of God that we are! We have protection for our minds, our hearts. As with clothes, we have the order to put on the protection God offers us. That is our part.
The Word! It is protection. You can't go around half dressed! Without the word we can't make wise choices. Without the word, we won't know our God, ourselves, and where we stand with Him...and we won't know our enemy!
There will be an evil day. Our orders are to stand firmly in our place. How can we stand firmly in our place if we don't have any idea where our place is? You can run, but you cannot hide. God has provided for this evil day. We don't fight against flesh and blood. There is an enemy. God's enemy, unseen by the natural eye. We must put on the whole armor that God has provided. There is only one thing that makes us strong enough to stand in the midst of this evil day. That is the strength of the Lord! Jesus! He has overcome the world. His love casts out fear. He is my peace, my strength. My hope of a better day. A new world.
Jesus is coming soon. God's timing is perfect. J. Peterson wrote: "coming again, coming again, maybe morning, maybe noon, maybe evening, and maybe soon. Coming again, coming again. Oh, what a wonderful day it will be. Jesus is coming again!
Our comfort is already here. He is in us--never to leave us or forsake us! Philippians 1:6. My friend, your friend, Jesus was a Jew. He lived in the midst of holy war. He died and rose again in the midst of holy war. It's always about Jesus! He is the way, the truth, and the life. Always.
In His Love, a work in progress.
I pray a wild prayer: That God unites the nations in Christ! Our only safe haven. There is no place to hide. "If you're not for Me, you're against me." Be on guard. Ephesians 6. The enemy comes as an angel of light. He may look like the light, but is a counterfeit.
Have you ever seen a counterfeit bill or painting? Only an expert would know it. One thing he won't come with is a sword to cut your throat, but make no mistake, he comes to kill, maim, and destroy the image of God that we are! We have protection for our minds, our hearts. As with clothes, we have the order to put on the protection God offers us. That is our part.
The Word! It is protection. You can't go around half dressed! Without the word we can't make wise choices. Without the word, we won't know our God, ourselves, and where we stand with Him...and we won't know our enemy!
There will be an evil day. Our orders are to stand firmly in our place. How can we stand firmly in our place if we don't have any idea where our place is? You can run, but you cannot hide. God has provided for this evil day. We don't fight against flesh and blood. There is an enemy. God's enemy, unseen by the natural eye. We must put on the whole armor that God has provided. There is only one thing that makes us strong enough to stand in the midst of this evil day. That is the strength of the Lord! Jesus! He has overcome the world. His love casts out fear. He is my peace, my strength. My hope of a better day. A new world.
Jesus is coming soon. God's timing is perfect. J. Peterson wrote: "coming again, coming again, maybe morning, maybe noon, maybe evening, and maybe soon. Coming again, coming again. Oh, what a wonderful day it will be. Jesus is coming again!
Our comfort is already here. He is in us--never to leave us or forsake us! Philippians 1:6. My friend, your friend, Jesus was a Jew. He lived in the midst of holy war. He died and rose again in the midst of holy war. It's always about Jesus! He is the way, the truth, and the life. Always.
In His Love, a work in progress.
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