Thursday, February 6, 2014


     Finding it hard to be thankful?  I was laying in bed the other night, and I complained to the Lord, "I can only breathe out of one nostril!"  That still, small voice said, "That's why I gave you two!"
     It's not hard to thank Him for the big things.  We do that.  But our lives are mostly made up of the small things.  Giving thanks on a continual basis lifts us to a higher level.  It teaches us what its like to be in this world, but not of it.  We belong to another realm now.  Here's another one:  let's see how many small gifts of thankfulness we can give Him.  It snowed.  Thank you, Lord for a house and heat, and this wonderful cup of hot coffee!
     We can't focus on two things at once, so why not teach ourselves to focus on something good?
     Lord, it's so nice to sit in this quiet place.  Or, if you have kids, thank you, Lord for my kids....thank You for the giggles, energy, health.  Thank you that I have indoor plumbing--with 7 inches of snow, it wouldn't be too good to go outside!  Thank you for my husband, who shovels the snow--I'll pray for you, sweetie!
     Let's walk through every room of our house and look for things to be thankful for.,  Look out the window and see the frozen ice on the trees and grasses.  I would never have experienced crystal trees shining with multicolored ornaments.  Fields that look like fields of glass with the sun shining on them!
     See what I mean?
     Thank God I have two nostrils.  We will never run out of things to be thankful for!  Especially that still, small voice.  Look at your loved ones, friends.  Look for the good, pure, lovely, honorable.  The world has taught us to look at all the boo boo's and make mountains out of molehills.  Let's turn that around and make the small good things into the mountains of our lives.  I pray the still small voice will always remind us we can still breathe with one nostril!  Thank you, Lord!  God is good all the time.

    In His love, a work in progress.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, I am proud of you for taking this tool and making it your own. I think this post is one of your best. It is 'down to earth' if you pardon the pun and relate-able by everyone regardless of belief system. Keep putting yourself out there. Always lean toward the personal thoughts you have. Those 'pearls' are so much more meaningful than something someone else has already written. Your words say best what is in your heart.
