Tuesday, December 30, 2014


     Psalm 121:7-8,  John 12:48-50
     The church of Rome says you must do miracles to become a saint - cannonized.  Who does miracles?  Is it man or God?  Jesus said, "I can do nothing on my own, but only what the Father tells me."
     Who has God made a saint?  Those who are poor in heart.  Those who have seen their need and simply believed in the One the Father has sent.  Are we who have received new life living miracles?  WE died with Him and risen to new life.  Did we do it on our own?  The Father is still in the miracle business!  The business of Grace!  John 14:6.

In His Love,  a work in progress


Ephesians 1:2.  God is Spirit.  We are His children, created in His image.  What if we recognize each other more by our spirit, our presence, than by what we look like?  Does someone who is blind or deaf or both learn to recognize people through their presence, or the spirit?
     I recognize my heavenly Father through Spirit, not by the spoken word.  I hear His voice without a word spoken.  I have ears to hear in my spirit.  I have a heart to love in my spirit.  Release me, Lord, to live from the spirit, and put no confidence in the flesh.
     Does grace and peace have a body or face?  It definitely has a presence or spirit.  You can know it as it is displayed by God or man.  Where does true praise come from?  He has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ:  Love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self control.  Salvation.  To know Him.  Sons - children of God in Christ Jesus.  Redemption.  Forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God's Grace.  He made known to us the mystery of His will.
     Jesus said, "In this world, you will have trouble, but I have overcome the world."  Has anyone escaped trouble in this world?  Jesus never lied to us.  Even He, while assuming flesh, did not escape trouble of the worst kind.  He did not escape (although He could have!) temptation of every kind.  He took all our sickness, disease, hunger, pain, rejection from those He loved.
     But He overcame so we can overcome.  He made it to the finish line.  Look at all the men and women in the Bible.  They are gone, but we still receive strength from them.  Psalm 143:8.  Cause us to know and to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do we trust.  Cause us to know the way wherein we should walk, for we lift up our souls to Thee!
     Grace.  Chosen.  His Will.  Father, give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so we might know you better.  Let the eyes of our hearts be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which you've called us:  the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.
     Jesus is Lord!  Faith is believing in the unseen.  It is knowing, deep in our hearts, that Jesus is Lord.  We live my the Spirit.  There, we are one.  There, we recognize Him.  When I first met Him, I recogn ized Him through spirit!  Praise God!

In His Love, a work in progress

Sunday, December 28, 2014


     What is heaven like?  What is father like?  We already know.  It's hidden in our hearts and plain in Jesus and the Word.
     First, Father and Jesus are there.  What could be better than that?  When we pray, do we pray for war, hate, destruction, hunger?  We pray Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
     The fruit of the Spirit of heaven is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control.  It's written on our hearts.  Forgiveness, no sin, no hatred, no greed.  Every need and desire fulfilled.  Abundant life.  I am in Him and He is in me, never to be separated from His love.  He brought heaven to earth to show is what heaven is like.  It's very plain to see if you know Him.
     Our loved ones who have gone on before are living the life we've only seen through the eyes of faith.  He has a plan for us, not to harm us but give us a hope and future that goes on far beyond this life in the flesh.
     In Jesus, we have a fortaste of glory.  Prov. 10:22.  Know the Father through Jesus, and you know what the future holds.  He came from our future and went back to it.  Gentle, mild, humble, forgiving.  He is the gate.  He cries, "Enter!  I love you!"

In His Love, a work in progress

Saturday, December 27, 2014


     How different Christmas is today than it was when I was a child.  When I was a child it was a day of the year we all looked forward to.  It brought love, color, laughter, joy, presents, santa.  I hated to think of it being over.  It was the highlight of the year.
     I said this morning when I got up, why has it changed?  Amazing!  As it always does, the answer came.  "Now you know Him who is Christmas.  Now you know the real meaning of Christmas!  Born in a cow stall.  Nothing glitzy except the stars.  Mother and Father there to feed and protect.  Quiet.  So quiet you could hear a pin drop.  God our Father was there.  God our Father is here in this moment.  I wouldn't trade all the Christmases I've had without Him for one of these quiet, loving, gentle moments, now that I know Him!  Every day, every moment is Christmas!  A day, a moment to love Him, to worship who He is.  Christmas.  Psalm  16:11.  Thou willt show me the path of life.  In Thy presence is fullness of joy.  At Thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.  He has b less us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ.  John 17.
     Jude 2.  Mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you!  May every day be Christmas!

In His Love, a work in progress.


    Our Father.  Holy is your name.
    Prayer is like fine crystal or the perfect diamond.  So beautiful in the light.
    Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
     We won't need the sun or moon in Your kingdom.  You will be all the light we need.  When we pray for His Kingdom to come on earth as in heaven, it shows great trust in our Father.  Even a knowledge of who He is.  Who else would I ask this of?  Can I think of any other leader I would ask this of?  Has any other leader left his kingdom and died for me?
     Somewhere inside of us is a knowledge of how our world and life is supposed to be.  It's engraved in our hearts.  We long for it.  It can only come to us fully with Jesus.  He is the revelation of who I am supposed to be.  He is the perfect revelation of the God-Father who is engraved on our hearts.  We are holy ground.  Born again of God our Father.  No longer a prophesy, but a fact.  Flesh wants to see it, feel it, get excited over it.  Faith needs none of those things although they may be a part of our life.  Faith is knowing there is a mystery in this quiet place where I barely breath to capture its presence.
     I've said it before, "O sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you.  At last I know the secret of it all.  Baby, born to this world.  His favorite name for Himself:  Son of man.  Sweet mystery of life.  His name is Jesus."  A common name for a king, Messiah, Yeshua.
     Hundreds of years, man looked for Him, and when He came, man didn't recognize Him.  He came too common, too unintrusive, simple, quiet.  Only the quiet, simple ones have even recognized Him.  They tried to kill Him even as an infant.  Quiet, simple.  A king, indeed!
     Only in our love, gentleness, quietness, simplicity, grace, love unearned, can we show the world who He is.  Living for Him, giving our lives so He may live.  So we may show a hurt and dying world our Father, which art in heaven.  We are that holy ground.
     He lives in us.  Holy ground.  He has chosen to live in us and through us.  Holy ground.  When I touch You, I touch Holy ground.  He is alive!  Isaiah 30:18.
     Love - He lives, He lives, salvation to impart.  You ask me how I know...He lives.  He lives within my heart.  He's in the world today.  Holy ground

In His Love,  a work in progress


     Isn't it funny how one word from a friend can stick in your mind and you meditate on it for days?  Actually, the Lord says He will bring to our remembrance every word He has spoken.,  O sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you!
     The word "expect":   What does that mean?  When you ask a question, expect an  answer.  We have eyes for the invisible!  In Hebrews 11, we see a number of examples of people who saw with eyes for unseen things.  It gave them hope and purpose.  Can I be excited over what I know is coming, but have not see, and may never see with my natural eyes?  Think of it.,  Today we see with our natural eyes what they saw by faith!  The Jews are coming home to Israel, Jesus.  We who are born again of the Spirit.  So many things -- even wars and rumors of wars.  They acted as though they were strangers on earth.
     Closer to home example.  A note my daughter wrote me years ago when she was pregnant: " Boy, how big can a  belly get?  I'm starting to get heavy and moving slower.  It seems like the baby moves more than kicks.  Can't get a running start!"
     Fathers, you've shared in this experience.  That's what it's like to expect--to know--to have faith.  There is life in us.  It is growing.  It is getting fuller and bigger, and sometimes it is not all that comfortable.
     God is enlarging us to carry that life.  We expect and we rejoice in the fact that we have new life inside us.  We can see and feel it with the eyes of faith.  This life in us is ours, God;s gift to take care of, to love, nurture, give highest priority to.
     Oh, the privilege, the honor, the joy of realizing there is new life growing in us.  Feel your belly.  Be pregnant -- expect that as a woman is pregnant and this life in her takes time to grow.  There is new life in us.  God's life.  New creating life.  The birth process is not an easy one for mother and child, but Oh, the reward when new life is born into the world.
     That's what it means to expect.  That's faith and faith has its own reward.  Keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of your life.  Boy, sometimes your back hurts and the stretch marks aren't pretty, but the reward makes it all worth it.  God bless us all as we carry this precious new life within us.  1` Corithians 2:9.
     God has never stopped creating new life.  It's His joy.  Keep that word hidden in your heart --EXPECT!
Paul was pregnant, expecting and look what He delivered!  Mark 9:23.
      What He promised, He will deliver.  He is still Lord of all!

In His Love, a work in progress.


     Extravagance.  Matthew 26:6-13,  Every child is my child.  Every child is His child.  Over 130 children shot dead.  No mercy.  Innocence snuffed out for no reason except revenge.  Hate.  Such evil.
     How was it allowed to happen?  I always have to look at Jesus and the cross.  He knew the woman was anointing Him for what was to come.  We look at the ointment and say, how extravagant!  It was the best she had to give.  She had bought it for herself, but she saw and felt something in Him that went way beyond any extravagance she would ever give.  He came as a baby--a child.  A mother's child.  They would have killed Him too, chopped Him to pieces.  No mercy.  That child was my child.  From the womb that was my child.  Why do we kill children before they have a chance to show us how they could change the world?  No mercy.  Why is it so different if we chop them to pieces in the womb or in the classroom?  I can't turn my eyes away.  All precious in His sight.  His - mine.
     How wasteful we are.  We are wasteful with the gift of life.  Save the trees, do away with pollution.  Make laws to clean up our water and air.  Pass laws to kill our children!  Where is mercy?  He came as a baby, He died as a man.  He called Himself Son of man.  Innocence snuffed out.  But was it?  The world still wants to snuff Him out.  God doesn't allow things for no reason at all.
     We will someday have an answer.  For now, we trust in the one who lives in us and through us.  The One they thought they killed.  God showed mercy on a world that showed none.  Someday we'll know as we have been known.  Keep your eyes on the Giver of life.  Till then, may our God give us the gift of faith and trust and grace.  Romans 8:28.
     We trust in your presence and word.  Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.  Psalm 100:5.  Mercy!  His mercy is everlasting!  Psalm 107:8-9

In His Love, a work in progress


    It doesn't happen very often that you come face to face with the Spirit in another person.  You don't have to know anything about the person, but you do have to know and recognize the Spirit.  You know that the two of you share something very special.  Let it be what it is.  You've known this Spirit.  You've touched this Spirit.  You recognize this Spirit.  It is immediate recognition.  How is it that I meet the same Spirit in another without the Spirit being divided?  How does Spirit live in so many and still remain completely whole?  "O sweet mystery of life, at last I have found you.  At last I know the secret of it all."  An old song.  To know You is to love You, to trust You, to know perfect peace in Your presence.
     To know you in a peace that is beyond my understanding.  You tell me not to lean on my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge You, and You will direct my path.
     Sweet, sweet Spirit, Jesus, God in three persons.  Perfect.  Complete.  One.  Love, joy, one.  "You're real, you're really real!"  My first words to Him. " He touched me!  O, He touched me, and O, the joy that filled my soul.  Something happened, and now I know.  He touched me, and me me whole."
     Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.  Sweet, Sabbath, sweet Christmas, sweet Easter.  Sweeter still 24/7!  365 days a year, through all eternity.  What an amazing gift.  Let this gift that I've received somehow pass through me and may Your touch be recognized.  May we all say, "You're real, you're really real!"
      In that moment you'll know Him in that deep peace.  Jesus' prayer in John 17.  Let every day be Christ day.  You meet Him in the strangest places.

In His Love, a work in progress.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


    For our 60th Wedding Anniversary, our son made us a tapestry of all the lives that have been woven through ours.  Children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.  It started me thinking of all the lives that I evolved from.  We are all bound together in this tapestry.
     Without them running through my life, I wouldn't be here.  All of them are different, unique.  All a different color in this tapestry.  Imagine your own family.  It doesn't start or end with you.  Put together in you, it is a unique work of art.  Each with its own color and gifts.  Each adds to the beauty of your life.  Whether they are still to come or have already gone home to be with the Lord, they are still uniquely a part of who you are.
     Always they are a part of me and always I am a part of who they are.  I am blessed.  We call it family.  I am blessed!
     Thank you, Lord.  I have passed from death to life.  Thank you for giving us the ability to think new thoughts, to see things differently.,  1 Corinthians 2:9
     How great is our God!  1 Timothy 4:4

In His Love, a work in progress


         How many times have we used that word ion our lives?  I love that car.  I love this dress.  I love ice cream, pizza, hamburgers, that person.  I love to play golf.  I love coffee.  I love bourbon.  I love roses, daisies, winter, summer, spring.
         When we think of that word, do we ever say I love God?  Some do, but the majority don't realize that that word is a word like no other!  God is love.  How unique and special that word is!  Ephesians 3:14-19.  Oh, to know this love that surpasses knowledge!

In His Love, a work in progress


     This is what I came away with this morning:  We have a presence.  You have to be still and patient to find it.  It is another's  presence.  God has a presence first.  He is everywhere present.  In His presence ios love, joy, peace, patience.  All the sweetness we long to find in others and pets.
     Lord, let our presence be the same as yours.  Soak us in yourself.  Your quick presence, it's home.  Live in it.  Soak in it.  Oh Lord, when  I in awesome wonder consider all....How Great Thou Art!

In His Love, a work in progress

Sunday, December 7, 2014


     Psalm 68:19, Luke 11:46, Galatians 6:2, Matthew 11:26-30, 2 Corinthians 5:4, Galatians 5:1

     Do you ever carry "burdens" you can't identify or call by name?  But you can feel them in your back, neck, shoulders.  You're carrying something too heavy for you.  It weighs a ton.  Everything hurts from the weight of it.  You daily bare our burdens.  Summon your power, O Lord.  Show us your strength, O God, as You have done before.  You are awesome, O God.  The God of Israel gives power and strength to His people.
     Jesus says to take His yoke upon you because it is easy and His burden is light.  "I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul."  Jesus paid it all.  All to Him I owe.  Sin had left a crimson stain, but He washed it white as snow.
     Hold me there, Lord, till I don't struggle against You but lay peacefully in your arms of love.  Love is patent.  Love is kind.  2 Corinthians 5.  Do Your mighty work of love, for it is You in me working and willing for Your good pleasure.  Romans 8:28.  According to Your purpose, O God!
     In the arms of love.  A work in progress.  You hold this one tight.  Thank you, Lord!

In His love, a work in progress.


     I'll never understand how the world can celebrate a Christmas that puts them in debt for the rest of the year, when the very reason Jesus came was to set us free from the debt we'd accumulated all our lives.  Do we even know what that word, "Christmas" means?  Christ mas = Christ day.  John 1:16.
     All the fighting over the best deals.  Greed.  Just the opposite of Christ day.  What have we taught our children?  They learn more by watching us than by what we say.
     Santa.  Snowmen.  Angels.  Violent movies.  Happy Holiday!

In His love, a work in progress


Death to life:  Romans 6-8

    Did we ever think of death when we were children?  I didn't.  But as we grow, isn't each day we leave behind actually a silent death?  Don't we die each day to that which we hold dear?  Do I still have my babies, my children?  They are gone to me, hidden in grown-up bodies.  Another life.  New life.  We must die to the old and behold the new.  It happens every morning if we let it.
    Do we grieve for the losses?  Sometime, but would I always want to keep them bound up in childhood?  Still, death comes day be day.  Jesus said He overcame death.  Death is always a companion.  But so is new life.  Out of death comes new life, day by day.  Death is swallowed up in life.
    Each day, the old is gone, behold the new!  Sometimes the new day feels like death.  In each new day, I have already started the death process.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil.  Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.
    It is the way it's supposed to be.  This road leads home.  The precious bumpy road is the only way home to Father.  I shed my old skin every step of the way.  "I am the way, the truth, and the life."  Yahweh is my Shepherd..
    I lack nothing..  In meadows of green grass, He lets me lie.  To waters of repose, He leads me.  There He revives my soul.  He guides me by paths of virtue for His names sake.  Though I pass through a gloomy valley, I fear no evil.  Beside me, Your rod and staff are there to hearten me.
    You prepare a table before me, under the eyes of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil.  My cup brims over.  Oh, how goodness and kindness pursue me, every day of my life.
    My home, the house of Yahweh, as long as I live ..eternally.  The old is gone, behold the new.  Thank You, Jesus.  Thank You, my God!

In His love, a work is progress


    Hebrews 11:
    What would faith b e if not for stepping into the unknown, the unseen, the untouched.  Yet, I find myself apprehensive about stepping out into this unknown thing we call DEATH.  Jesus conquered it.  He walked right into it.  What death is on this side, an end of life, is really a beginning of life on the other side.
    When you're tired, isn't it lovely to be going back home?  I never even imagine that there is evil awaiting me there.  The word "home" is special.  The people who live there make a house a home.  My God is home.  Heaven is where He has made home to me, with all who have gone on before me.
    Perfect love casts out fear!

Friday, December 5, 2014


    Lord, you give the pain of life purpose.  You give everything purpose.  If we don't see purpose in pain, no matter what route it takes, we will have wasted much of our lives.    The highways and byways are full of lives that have bypassed their greatest opportunity for growth and discovery.
    Have they found what they've been looking for?  Has this world given them a gift?  God is the gift-giver.  The world takes.  It'll take everything you give it.  It'll rob you of your soul.  God gave this world a precious gift just for the asking.  This gift cost hell its power.  Jesus said, I have overcome the world!"  Join the ranks of the overcomers.
    He doesn't promise no more pain,m but He does say that because He overcame, you will have His power to overcome too.  There is a promise in the cross that reaches far beyond this world.  This world is not all there is!  We have passed from death to life.  The King of glory is victorious.  March on.  Psalm 143:8
    Cause me to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do I trust.  Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul unto You.  Jesus is the way!

In His Love, a work in progress.


   When I wake up in the morning, You are there.  When I turn to You in the midst of the chaos the world seems to be in, You are there.  You are always there, giving love, encouragement, hope for a better tomorrow.  Restorer of life.  Giver of life abundant, YOU ARE THERE!.
    I have a grateful heart because You are there.  I have hope of a new world because You are there.  I have faith because You are there.  I know You, because You are there.  YOU have a plan.  A plan to give kus a hope and a future, not to harm us.
    You are there.  Open our eyes to see you clearly.  Our God of Love.

In  His Love, a work in progress


    Thank You for new life!  Thank You that my family and I can be a part of that.  You make such a change in man.  If all the people in Ferguson had Your Spirit, it would be so different!  Lawlessness!
     I see Jesus on the cross bleeding and beaten.  He said to "forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."  In John 17, He said, "Father, glorify Your Son so the Son may glorify You.  I want them to be with Me where I am.  I want them to know the love and joy that We share.  Lawlessness will be, but greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
     For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that he who believes in Him should not perish.  It is not God's will that any should perish, but that all may be saved.
     We are all defense lawyers, defending ourselves.  In defending ourselves, we convict ourselves.  All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  We are all lawbreakers to one degree or another.
     Is God a liar?  These are His words!  Not to destroy you, but to give you a hope and a future.  An eternal future, filled with love and hope!  All can receive salvation by His grace.  A free gift of hope from our Creator.  God has an open door policy in Christ!  Come!
     God wins!  Who doesn't want to be on the winning side?

In His love, a work in progress.


    When did we become separated from you, Lord?  There is nothing I need more than to be one with You again.  Inseperable.  The earth is the Lord's and everything in it.  Giver of life - life itself.  When did we ever think we had life in ourselves?  You, Lord, are the way, the life, and the truth.  My life.  Restorter of what is broken.  You say, blessed are those who mourn.  This morning I mourn for all that has been lost, for every moment in right relationship is precious.
    Forgive me for thinking I could live any kind of good life apart from You.  Even in prayer, I only ask for you to deal and enter into one small part of my existence. Take care of this for me, and all will be well.  Lord, forgive.  I am like a smashed pot, with no resemblance of what I should have been.  Created in Your image:  Deut. 32:39; 2 Kings 20:5-8; Job 5:18, Psalm 6:2, 41:4; Isa. 19:22, 57:18, 19; Jer 17:14, 30:17, 30.
    This I say to you.  You can begin again!  Psalm 17:24; Hebrews 13:5

In His Love, a work in progress.


   There is no saving the old.  All of the earth has been defiled.  Even the heavens under its inhabitants feet.  A curse consumes the earth.  Joy is gone.  So heavy will be the sins on it, it will fall, never to rise again.
    But.... there is hope.  Our God is a God of hope.  Bud would cry, "overzies!"  God is our refuge.  When all else fails, God is our hope and refuge.  We see "climate change" volcanoes, wars, destruction, floods, mighty storms.  Whatever we see is because our sin has touched all of His creation.  God has a plan for redemption.  He is our hope.  He will destroy death forever.  He will wipe away our tears of mourning.  He is our everlasting hope.  He will take away our shame.  Our hope is revealed--it is God.  We rejoice that He has saved us!  Trust in Yaweh forever.  He can build up and He can tear down.
    Our pride has killed us.  Life depending on ourselves to save cannot save.  When Your judgements appear on the earth, the people learn integrity.  God means what He says.  The Lord cries out for us to make peace with Him.
    I don't pretend to understand it all.  I just know in my heart that when all looks bleak, I am in a safe place that God has made for all who have believed, and are under the shelter of His wing.  Everything may crumble around me, but here I stand on the solid rock.  My safe place.  I am not perfect, and security is in another Who is mighty to save.  Hebrews 11.  Faith is my guarantee of the blessing we hope for.  It is the proof of the existence of things yet unseen.
    Our God reigns.  He is our hope.  We hope in His mercy.  In Christ, I find love, hope and mercy.  I wear it like armor.
    Receive Him with me.

In His love,  a work in progress.